Chapter 1

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" Hm? What is it?" She asked while finding the page she was looking for then heard raining outside hard.

" Have kinda forgotten about my handbag with Huggins and Snow along with the supplies. Among other things that were in my bag... Including our wallets." He wave his hand then the handbag magically appeared in his lap. The two rabbits poke out of the bag with a yawn and then look around in curiosity. Callisto's ear perked as he heard the door creek open and then close. May summon her small gun in her spare free hand as she looked at the door while pulling the lever on the gun with a click sound. She aims at the entrance door with her blind eye closed.

" eh, I hate the rain." Said a familiar voice.

" Hold your fire May. It's the demon-looking cat named Grim." Callisto said to her. May still aim the small gun at the creature her finger not even by the trigger.

" Whoa whoa wait I-I can explain! Don't shoot me!! I haven't gotten into this school yet! I'm too young to die!!" The creature pleads at May with his paws in the air.

" Why are you so desperate to come into this school? Your lucky you haven't hurt my brother or me when we first met you tonight. Otherwise, I would so hunt your furry ass and stuff you then put you up on the wall as a trophy prize." May stared coldly at Grim with the gun pointing at him.

" Simple, I'm a genius who was destined to become a great magician," Grim announced.

" Is that all?" Callisto asked.

" Yeah! It's been always my dream to be the greatest magician and to attend this school! But um is she serious about shooting me and stuffing me like a trophy?" Grim asked Callisto.

" Oh yes, she's a huntress after all. Hell, she could use your fur to make some nice-looking boots. Isn't that right May?" Callisto chuckles while smirking at Grim. May nodded in agreement still hadn't left her eye on him with the gun while Grim gulped.

" Let's make a bargain Grim. If and I do mean If we could convince the headmaster for you to enroll here. You can live with us. However, you can not be starting trouble at this school which means no fighting with other students. That also means if you hurt or possibly kill one of us. I or May will hunt you down. Can you keep your end of the bargain?" Callisto smiles at Grim.

" That will be soooo amazing! But you have to feed me a can of Tuna and watch over me! Can you keep your end of the bargain?" Grim asked both of them. Callisto chuckled, " Oh we'll take great care of you, Grim. Isn't that right May?"

" Absolutely. Is that a deal Grim?" May lower her small gun.

" YES!" Grim said with a big grin.

" Then it's settled then. But remember your end of the bargain. Understood?" Callisto said with a simple smile. The small gun in May's hand disappeared in midair as she went back to looking at the page of the book she was reading. She then started the spell," Make this Dorm livable, Make it comfortable and cozy, Make this dorm almost like our home back to the dark forest, peaceful and quiet."

" When our bare feet touch this Dorm floor make it feel like home." Callisto joins in with May. Both May and Callisto took off their slip-on shoes. Callisto got up and went by May with the book in her hand as they continued to finish the spell in unison tone, " Til the day we die of old age this place will remain comfort, peace, and protection from weather and or from trespassers for the generations pond generations of mages, half magic folk, and humans. And so it is and so shall be! Bless it be!"

The lights went out, thunder roared, then everything changed inside of the dorm when the lights were on fully, and the outside of the house remained creepy rundown. It may look like a small dorm from the viewer's outside but the inside was huge and beautiful wild rustic feel with a modern touch. There were more guest rooms than before, a freezer door, and finally a big pantry full of food along with supplies. Grim was in awe looking around the dorm itself.

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