Chapter 1~Tangents [Act 1:Plain]

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   Bright light creeps through my eye lids. I lift them squinting to adjust-bringing into focus a blinding blue sun woven center onto a violet tinted blue sky. Blades of tall glistening green grass jet out from my peripheral-dancing across the azul canvas hanging overhead. As I lay face up on particularly soft, warm and inviting ground beams of brandishing light crash into my body. Aromas of rain and wet earth waft through my nostrils-traveling on the whim of whispering winds that orchestrate vibrating vegitation.

   Upon sitting up I am greeted with rolling leagues of gentle green waves. I stand to my feet and, to my surprise, a mold of my body is left behind in the black soil that lovingly cradled me so. Rippling muscles and bulging veins work together as I explore this body that my mind seemed to now occupy. My flesh is as dark as the soil from which I rose-onyx approaching the texture of a new moon midnight sky. A dense cloud of black wool sits on top of my head giving me some measure of shade from the cruel sun. The only things on my person are a loincloth fitting to burst and a holeless, sleek, plain black mask attached at my right hip strap.

   I try to remember who I am and where I'm located but nothing comes to me. I take a deep breath, crisp air fills my lungs to maximum capacity at which point I exhale feeling completely at peace with my self. The mask flashes black and silver light then falls silent as abruptly as it started.

   A sense arises from within-as if someone were calling out to me. I turn around to discover a massive tree standing a few acres away. How did I not notice that? It shines more brilliantly than all of the dew drenched grass of the field. Compelled by a mysterious chord stuck deep within I start towards the tree, wading through thigh high silken vegetation. Droplets of cool water fling upwards onto my body which soon evaporate into the surrounding air leaving me a bit cooler.

   Time dialates under the beating sun. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes seemed like hours.

   Gusts of wind bring very welcome breaks of cool in an otherwise sweltering environment. Soft green collapses underfoot-becoming a rhythmic drum pushing me further along. 

   The sun has not moved, hovering in its arresting position.

   The tree sits center of a circular patch of black soil extending several yards from the base of its trunk in all directions. The patch fit snugly into the shadow of the tree making it difficult to distinguish one from the other. 
Our shadows merge, blocking the imposing rays of the sun. Sporadic drops of cool water fall from its myriad of branches as I bury my toes in the rich moist soil. The wind becomes significantly cooler in the shade and after a few second of cool relief it soon turns into an almost cold tundra.

   Now tuck to trunk with the tree I spot a creature no bigger than the tip of my nail with the severed wing of an insect locked in its mandible. I place my right hand on the tree and feel out the rough brown grooves of its bark. A sweet fragrance emerges from its surface. I place my left hand next to continue the inspection then suddenly patterns of light shoot through the grooves from where my left hand rests. The same reaction occurs with my right immediately afterwards. The severed wing splits in two, the other half now dancing in its decent to the ground. 

   My vision becomes kaleidoscopic and I soon find my self traveling at great speeds through a colorful tunnel-walls painted with innumerous fantastic scenes. Futuristic land, water, air and space craft fight balls of light much smaller. For a split second I am able to single out a scene of a group of glowing humanoids decending upon a great city.

   A speck of white light flashes ahead-then it explodes, expanding until I find my self floating in an empty white void. I look around, trying to make sense of what just happened but all I see is an endless panorama of alabaster.

   A sixth sense awakens within me. Something approaches. Nothing is here but me, so my eyes tell me, but I can feel something, many somethings. As with walking through a familiar room in pitch darkness I can feel out what is here. There are many things but at the same time they are all one giant thing, as with the branches of a great tree. Its as if they all occupy the same space-coalesceing into the white void before me. I close my eyes and focus on my extra sense. After a couple of moments I begin to see something. I see my self-centered in sphere of fiery aura traveling out from me fifty meters in all directions. Outside my area of influence, at the edge, directly in front of me floats an oblong sphere of smooth aura.

   I open my eyes to see the bronze limbs of a person phase into existence, as if someone were stepping out from behind a veil.

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