Chapter 1~Tangents [Act2:Void]

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   A pulchritudinous mystery lady has fully formed before me, her bronze body floating motionlessly in stark contrast to and against the snow white background. Even though she was fifty meters away I felt an immense pressure emanating from her person. My breath catches in my chest. Just for a moment my composure slips but I imediatly calm myself regaining my bearing.

   Too late. She tilts her head mischievously with the confidence of a lioness ready to pounce. Like a thief in the night she contemplates her plan of attack, examining me head to toe. Her piercing obsidian eyes subject my body the scorching heat of a lake of magma-enclosed within an underground chamber. There is no escape.

   Sleek, straight, raven hair falls behind her to her low back. Striking features of ethnical ambiguity set me into a trance as I try to figure who she is. Prominent high cheek bones, wide-narrow slit eyes, full lips, and a muscled-femininely toned-slender hour glass figure-all wrapped in amber flesh-decorated with subtle scars. A descendant of Native-American and Asiatic tribes. Two pieces of plain stark white cloth adorn her sublime anatomy-fashioned in a strapless rectangular bra that hugs her ample bosom and a tight mini skirt jaunting along her ambrosial curves. A beautiful warrior with an air of intensity matching that of the bright blue sun.

   Our eyes meet and my expression reactively hardens. With a look of curiosity she angles her body forward like a ballerina in mid leap. Her left knee drives up, right leg stretched back, arms to her sides following closely behind slightly flared outwards. She begins to close the distance, effortlessly gliding towards me. At forty yards out my posture stiffens.

   The pulchritudinous goddess grins then switches to a leading right knee. At the same time she picks up speed, circling to my left. Her legs and glutes are strong and powerful. A kick from her would most definitely be life threatening.

   I continue to stand my ground, tracking her with just my eyes until she drifts out of view behind me. I refocus my attention dead ahead and lean into my sixth sense. Her oblong sphere of aura executes a rising flip twenty yards at my seven o'clock, steadily getting closer. Ten yards at my six her speed slows. Emerging from my right field of vision is a beautiful upside down smiling face three feet from my own. Her drift left continues until she stops in front of me, intercepting my gaze with her own.

   She looked to be in her early twenties, same as I. Her hair stayed flowing down her back, as if she commanded her own gravitational field. Not too crazy of a thought considering that there didn't seem to be a cardinal direction of up or down-or-left or right in this timeless, formless void. Her eyes of burning obsidian jewels turned into pristine hazel pools. I was transported from a chamber of magma to a serine sunny beach.

   "¡Hey!" she blurted with the warmth of dear friend."My beau has come to visit me."

   I keep my silence.

   "Ever the strong silent type I see. It's been-interesting-how this whole ordeal turned out. I am glad, however, that its playing out on our terms."

   She reaches into her bosom then presents me with a small rectangular prism of jade-divided in half by a smaller orb of obsidian; it measures about three inches by one inch by one inch  . She releases it allowing it to float between us.

   "I can hardly wait to see your performance" she states.

   Just as I begin to formulate a response I am instantly yanked back by the back strap of my loin cloth. A black void pushes in from all around gradually condensing the bewitching goddess and the white void into a circle of brown and white.

   In a playfuly tone she exclaims
"I guess I can't have you all to myself-at least not yet anyway" .

   She and the void dissipate into an infinitesimal point.

   I look back to see what's latched onto me is a violet tinted arm made of black light with nodes and branching straight lined patterns of silver traveling through out. Further back a glimmer of blue light appears and expands replacing the black void until I find myself back in front of the tree.

   The broken off half of the severed wing continues its descent, gently touching down to the ground.

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