Chapter 2: Airin Rock

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A noisy mechanism was set in motion, and the cart was pulled along the rails. It entered a sort of wooden tunnel, and was slowly pulled up a hill. Once at the top, the cart was released and drove down the track at a good speed. When it came out of the tunnel, it slowed down and stopped at a new station.

The landscape on the other side of the tunnel was radically different. Although it was still in the mountains, not a single spot of greenery was visible, as snow covered everything. The railway continued over a large bridge that spanned a frozen lake, heading straight for the huge mountain peak that faced them. Built into the side of the mountain, a tall iron tower stood proudly, braving the snow that seemed to caress it as it fell. It was Andelph, the capital city of the Dwarves.

The four passengers in the wagon had to get off to report to the guard waiting there. He knew why Fenbard and his colleague were here, but Ludovika had to explain.

"My name is Ludovika, and I wish to go to Andelph to see the archives" said the young Dwarf with amnesia.

"That's not how it works" the station guard told her. "You need a postmaster's permission to get in."

"Isn't my clearance enough?" asked Fenbard. "She helped us at Aubre Cradle against the Minotaurs."

"The rules have just changed, unfortunately" sighed the guard. "There was a theft yesterday from the archives, so security has been tightened."

"I see" concluded Fenbard. "Sorry, Ludovika, I thought I could get you in."

"It's alright" the Dwarf reassured him, "I'll find another way. Do you know how I can get permission from a postmaster?" she then asked the station guard.

"Well, Lopol has just started his rounds" he replied. "His first stop is at the Reindeer tribe. With a bit of luck, maybe he'll still be there."

"Thank you! How do I get there?"

"Just follow this path to the east. Their camp is in the pine forest."

"Camp?" Ludovika repeated.

"The members of the Reindeer tribe are very conservative, and reject the technological advances we have made. However, some of them still get their mail delivered."

Ludovika merely nodded, and saluted the three guards before climbing onto the back of her boar companion and setting off. She was glad she had been forced to change her clothes, for the air was very chilling. She hoped that her boar friend was not cold, and that his coat was thick enough to keep him warm.

Ludovika followed the path as indicated, and soon found the pine forest. The camp of the Reindeer tribe was tucked away in a small clearing. The Dwarf recognised a familiar face among the tribesmen who seemed to be cooking around a campfire.

"Yalina!" she called.

"Ludovika!" exclaimed the aforementioned, surprised. "How are you? What are you doing here? How is your search going?"

"Hey, take it easy" laughed Ludovika. "I'm fine, my research is going well and that's why I'm here. I'm looking for the postmaster Lopol, and I've been told that he's starting his rounds here."

"Ah, you just missed him! He's gone in the direction of Ice Grail, the second stop on his tour."

"Which way should I go?" asked Ludovika.

"North" answered Yalina. "But you can't go now, you've only just arrived!"

"Sorry, some other time" apologised Ludovika. "I really must find Lopol as soon as possible."

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