Bored and Hungry

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Harry sat down on his throne in dark candle lit room, his eyes glowing dimly, bored out of his mind. His maker, Dracula, was talking to a two-fang that had come with some news on the Selkie political war the was unfolding and as his heir Harry was forced to sit in on it.

He sheathed and unsheathed his claws, watching the bone rip through the ends of his fingers over and over, always healing the second they retreated. 

"Harry, child. If you are this bored then go and hunt." Dracula said, giving Harry a look as he turned his head.

"Sorry Father, I haven't been able to kill in a few days and it's starting to annoy me." Harry said flicking his claws back in and settling down, his soft and ornate clothing making no sound.

Turning full from the vampire genuflecting in front of them Dracula rested his cold eyes on Harrys, they warmed slightly as he looked at his only son. "I do suggest you leave for a hunt, this is not that important." Dracula said. "Though my son, bring me back some prey, I feel like a live meal tonight." 

Harry grinned, his three teeth on either side of his incisors were sharp fangs, getting progressively longer the further out they got. His were so long that when they were out it distorted his voice, curving slightly inwards like everyone else's and preventing his mouth from fully closing. His father was the only other vampire with three fangs on each side. placing them above the rest.

 Dracula, the king of vampires and Harry, his son, the prince.

Often wondering what would happen when he developed the full transformation he had looked to his father, knowing he still had a long way to go, even with these fangs, and looked forward to it.

Everyone else in the room flinched at the sight of the fangs that meant so much power, Harry hoping down the stairs to the throne flashed a sadistic grin at one of the new one-fang fledglings, enjoying seeing the panic in the grown man's eyes.

Outside was cold, dark and creepy. A perfect night for Harry, as he walked through the forest he heard the sounds of someone else, moving fast he blurred through the trees, running the miles to the source of the sound, where he climbed a tree and watched from above as two groups of wizards fought it out. 


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