Food and screams

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It took a few hours to drag back the food, they kept squirming and pulling, trying to escape him. 

His patience had worn so thin that he was throwing them around by the time he got back to the castle. The front doors were opened for him as he stalked in with his prey, Harry didn't even look at the servants as he continued through to the throne room. With a kick to the back he pushed the father in first and then the mother and son. 

"Harry." Dracula said, looking up from a scroll of parchment he was idly scanning through. 

"Sorry I took so long father, but I saw something interesting." Harry replied, letting the food cower on the floor. 

"Hmm?" Dracula prompted. 

"There were wizards fighting in the streets where I found them." Harry gestured vaguely to the people on the ground. 

He grabbed the mother by her arm and effortlessly pulled her over to his father. 

"Thank you my son, I was getting rather parched." the vampire said, before sinking his fangs into her neck and settling into his throne for the meal. 

The woman screamed and struggled for a moment, but then the paralizing neurotoxic venom made its way through her blood stream and left her only able to breath and blink, her heart still beating. Harry knew his father must have had a hard day, normally he likes his prey to fight back. 

Harry understood the conversation would continue after the meal so he paralysed the man and helped himself to the sons blood. It was just what he had been needing. 

And after he finished off the last dregs of life blood in the childs body he let it drop to floor as he sighed in contentment. Feeling slightly lightheaded as the blood high hit him, the warmth of his meal seeping into his bones and a satisfying full feeling in his stomach. 

Dracula had finished his meal too and was looking at his son with a grin, "Harry, when will you learn to eat without making a mess." He joked, standing up and pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe up some of the blood that was all over the lower half of Harrys face. 

Harry stood still, accepting affection from the only person he would ever allow to be close to him. 

"How are the plans going?" Harry asked stretching his jaw as the fangs slid back. 

"This war we are in, its going to take so much time and effort to win." Dracula said, the older vampire never retracted his fangs, and the Romanian accent in his deep voice had a hiss to it every time he spoke. "The mutts have been bolstering their numbers and we can't keep up." He pushed the body to the floor as he sat back down. 

"Is there anyway I could help?" Harry asked, picking up the man and offering the meal to his father. 

"You inspire so much fear in my people as it is I wonder how you could convince anyone to actually become a vampire and work for us." Dracula huffed, taking the proffered food but placing it to the side. He beconed Harry over to him. 

"You haven't fully matured yet and you still keep forgetting drink from me." Dracula said, lifting his sleeve and baring his forearm to the boy, "The seer and vampiric healers all agree, the changes and power are too much for your body without top ups of my own power. Now drink." 

Harry huffed knowing he didn't have a choice and carefully slid his fangs into the flesh in front of him. Never wanting to hurt his father, who scooped the 11 year old into his lap and sat back looking up at the ornate ceiling and he pondered." There is an orphanage close to here, next to a village, perhaps if you were to go and sort the strong from the cattle then we could have the fledglings raised, and once you have done that we should move to claim a village at first, to set our forces up and get a foothold." 

Harry hmmed into the arm, taking slow sips to the intoxicatingly rich blood and thought about it. 

"But you're still a fledgling my son, and the most important one, my Prince. I worry letting you out of the castle and it's safety. "

A little annoyed Harry gave Dracula a little nip which earnt him a huffing laugh. 

"Very well, I'll give you count Rastaban and his soilders, raid the orphanage and collect as many as you can. Try to bring back as many as possible." 

Harry hummed in agreement, eyes sliding shut as he detached his mouth and leant back, the heady blood lulling him into a deep sleep. He felt a rumble of laughter and heard his father call one of the servents over to bring him his papers and quill. 


Waking up Harry was a little embarrassed at falling asleep after his meal. None the less when he awoke he was still in his father's lap on the throne, comfortable and safe. 

"How DARE YOU!" He heard his father shout from above him and he shifted to get a better look. The second he looked over and saw the other vampire in the room he understood what had happened. 

The man was slowly falling to ash in front of them, he'd obviously thought he could drink the blood of another vampire. 

"Please forgive great sire! I just wanted to become stronger, to serve you better!" 

Dracula hissed, a deep dreadful sound that reverberated through the room. "The right to drink from another Vampire belongs to me and my son for a reason! We are the only ones who can do it and gain power! As you are finding out the rest of you die from it!" He spat out at the fledgling who had fallen to the floor now. 

"But why?" the decrepid man asked, bold knowing that there was no saving him. 

"The same reason only Harry is my son, and not the rest of the vampires I've made. Only we are strong enough! Look at you falling apart!" Dracula said waving at the ever growing pile of dust on the floor. "Let this serve as a lesson to the rest of my people." Dracula said to the elderly vampire in the corner who nodded and walked out. 

Grinning to himself Harry shifted in his seat and watched till the man was naught but a pile on the floor. 

Dracula sighed and rubbed head in stress. 

"Dad, would you like some of my blood? It might make you feel better." Harry offered worried that his dad was unwell. 

"No, this is just stress not an illness, don't worry." his father smiled at him and the nodded to the door. 

"So are you going to go and build me an army?" He asked, fangs sparkling in the candlelight. 

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