Chapter 6

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Xero and Shadix went off on their own heading for the forest. The two wanted some peace and quiet so they decided to go hunting. As it was the two ended up not finding much instead the two just enjoyed the quiet. The pair decided to make camp and Xero laid against Shadix. The two decided to watch the sky as the sun was setting. When the sun was about to vanish the two decided to return back to the village. Shadix saw Xero had a massive smile on his face and that made him feel good as well. The orcs were waiting for them and they saw how the two felt. "So Xero do you want to sleep with me again or what?" Xero's face burned and he looked at Azuu before nodding shyly. "Heh Shadix a word if you please." Xerxes took Shadix to his hut while Xero followed Azuu. Xero looked at Azuu after a few minutes. "What did you want?" Azuu looked at him. "Did you actually meet your Familiar already?" Xero nods. "When are you going to meet physically?" Xero shrugs. "He told me soon. Sounded big too and his cave was leaking black mana was kinda cool." Azuu chuckled but in his mind he was surprised. Xero could see mana. "So what do you plan on doing?" Xero looked at the Orc. "I don't know honestly I only got as far as escaping my dad." Azuu looked at Xero. "You mean your biological dad or?" Xero looked the Orc in the face. "My dad." Azuu nods quickly. "He has the entire Plateau looking for me probably. But jokes on him mom helped me hide my scent hehe. I miss her..." Azuu saw how sad that made Xero. "So wait your dad commands the Plateau?" Xero nods. "Yea he's the Dragon King Zeltier." That floored Azuu and worried him. Zeltier isn't known for his kindness to anything not on the Plateau or his kin who wonder the world. In fact he almost wiped out the two leggers but something changed. "Hey Xero how old were you when Zeltier found you?" Xero looked up and smiled. "Well I'm in my twenties now so I was a baby." Azuu found that strange. "Have you ever heard of your dad's war against us two leggers?" Xero nods. "Yea mom told me about how he nearly killed you all but something stopped him. Why do you ask?" The two arrived at Azuu's house and the Orc looked at his roommate. "Zeltier stopped his war twenty years ago Xero." Xero looked at the Orc. "You think I'm why?" Azuu shrugs. "I don't know Xero just a thought." Xero looked ahead before snorting. "I doubt he wouldn't stop a war for a baby he found in someplace." Azuu noticed black veins on Xero's affected arm and Xero grabbed that shoulder. "I'm going to go lay down." Xero entered the spare room while Azuu looked at ceiling. Xero locked the door and when he laid in bed he got excited. He knew where his Familiar was finally. Xero started meditating to relax his mind like his mom taught him. Soon he was flying through the Astral Plane and he focused on his destination. Xero was suddenly outside that cave and he heard a growl. "Boy you keep coming here and I'll assume you want me or something." Xero saw two golden eyes looking at him from the darkness inside the cave. "I mean I wouldn't have been able to have you as my Familiar if that wasn't the case." The creature grunted. "What do you want? I told you I'd come to you when I was ready." Xero shrugged. "I'm impatient my dad says it's one of my quirks." That made the creature laugh. "You got that right." Xero felt someone shake his body and he growled. "I'll be seeing you shortly don't die Xero." With that Xero opened his eyes to see Shadix looking at him. "You need to hide. Some of the Priestess' men are hunting for you." Shadix wasn't ready for Xero to jump up and run outside. Xero saw that there was Knights gathering everyone up and he saw Azuu badly hurt. Seeing that made Xero's heart beat faster and he felt his left arm shaking violently. "Where is the boy? Tell me or your chief here dies." Hearing the knight enraged Xero so he looked at his arm seeing the black veins. "I won't end up a monster." Xero let the magic go and he felt half his body be blanketed in a warmth. With that he walked to the knights. Azuu looked to see Xero half covered in his Sin Magic. He could see that half smiling while the other half was glaring at the knights. "You seem pretty relax being where you are Orc." Azuu looked at the one who spoke. "That's because your about to die." Xero killed three of the knights before they realized and the rest sprung into action. "Distract him while I prepare the cage!" A woman that looked to be in her mid forties wearing what appeared to be a nuns outfit that had a tome on the left hip and a cross around her neck walked out of the pub. "Yes Sister Friede men attack!" Xero screamed and the ground shook violently. The knights fought to keep their balance which let Xero kill a few more leaving only about a dozen left. "Stop or I kill the orc!" Xero looked to see the one who's been shouting orders had Azuu and the man's sword was at his throat. "Suffer...." Xero whispered that single word and suddenly the man began clawing at his eyes screaming for his mother. When the knights saw that it broke their will and they tried to flee but they died to Xero's magic. When Xero turned to Sister Friede she glared at him. "Your too late vermin! My lord punish the wicked and cage this beast! Tower of God!" Xero was consumed in a blinding light. However Friede's victory was short lived as the light blackened and Xero walked out of it unharmed but even more angry. The black magic had started covering his other half and he vanished. Friedel gasped when she felt a light touch to her cheek before Xero was in front of her. "Your Priestess is lying to you Sister. I know the truth about your God." Friede looked into Xero's red eye and she gasped before falling to her knees. "N no way how I is that possible?" The sin magic receded and Xero looked at Friede. "Because Asal is her brother. I don't want kill you like those knights. Your only doing what you think is right. But I can't let you return to the Priestess." Friede looked into Xero's eyes and saw no malice before she looked at Azuu. "Bring him to me please." Xero motioned for Azuu who walked to them. Friede looked Azuu in the eyes before his wounds vanished. "I'll admit I have no love for the Priestess but where am I to go?" Azuu rubbed his chin. "Why not stay? You didn't harm anyone even called off your men when they started roughing up my people." Friede looked at Azuu. "Its not like you have a better choice besides I have people who could learn from a Sister. That work for you Xero?" Xero nods and Friede shrugs before nodding. "Thank you I won't fail at repaying your generosity." With that the attack ended pretty quickly.

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