Chapter 20

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"What do you mean certainly that would be better then what is going on now? He is full of rage because Xero believes the world is against him for just existing. You and Malthazar abandoned him to creatures who literally days before were raging a war against humans." Shadix spoke up and Osiris sighed softly. "I know its complicated though. If he had gone with me things would've escalated I only returned to my senses when I stopped trying to feed my blood lust. I didn't want Xero being like that especially since he's related to the monster we all are fighting." Shadix snorts causing Osiris to look at him. "Funny because you and Malthazar seemed to have pushed him onto the same path that created the monster. If I remember correctly Malthazar said it was Xero and my past self against the world. Xero seems to only relax when speaking to me or being around me. Kinda seems like its us against the world again." Osiris nodded to himself. "Seems your right I was such a fool and after dad told me he was coming to save me." Shadix followed after Xero with Zuu leaving Osiris and his snake to themselves. The pair found Xero punching a boulder and they saw blood on it. The two wanted to stop Xero but they could tell Xero wasn't stable so they just let him keep punching the boulder. However after a few seconds Xero screamed and punched the boulder hard enough that it exploded. His hand dangled limply at his side showing signs the bones were shattered. Xero didn't even react instead he stared at his broken hand with a manic expression. "Leave me alone." Xero's sudden dark tone caught his friends by surprise. They looked to see him glaring at them hatefully before Xero vanished. Xero showed up outside the capitol and he glared at the castle. "Let go and kill them all." Xero turned to see a shadow walking to him. "Your friends you made in the Capitol aren't there they are in Augur every one of them. That cat moved everyone out there so you have no reason to hold back." Xero looked back at the capitol before shaking his head. "No there are innocent people in the capitol that don't deserve to die." The shadow growled before grabbing Xero by the throat. "Why can't you give!? Why are you so much better then me!?" Xero just stared at the shadow. "Because I still have a soul and until I die I will never become you." Xero watched the shadow glare at him before vanishing. Xero stared at the capitol for a few minutes before sighing and closing his eyes. In the darkness that follow Xero saw a small purple flame that was surrounded by the darkness. "I can't keep being selfish or I'll lose him again. I won't end up like that bastard nor will I let anyone take from me what is mine." With that the darkness fled as the purple flame turned into an inferno. Xero felt the changes immediately and he groaned feeling the magic flood his body. He clenched his jaw to keep from losing control. "I won't hurt my friends not again." Xero growled softly before falling to his knees. There he was found by a soldier who was terrified seeing the man wanted for having Sin Magic. "You better run boy." Xero looked at the guy who froze seeing the Sin Magic crackle off of Xero. Suddenly the man dropped and began foaming at the mouth while Xero scoffed before standing. Xero controlled himself and caged his full power behind a wall before returning to the others. When he arrived Xero saw Osiris speaking to Malthazar. The two looked at him but Xero just jogged right up to Shadix and Zuu. "You ok Xero?" Xero jumped a little when Shadix asked that. "Y yea I'm ok." Shadix smiled before the two looked at Shadix. "So where we headed now?" Xero was dumbfounded. "We can go back to Augur if you guys want apparently Shanti moved everyone there." Osiris and Malthazar both went to speak to Xero but froze when they saw the murder in his eyes as well as the black mark appearing on his cheek. "Hey they just want to talk." Xero looked at Shadix and the mark vanished. The two took that as a sign to approach and Xero tensed up. "You got five seconds." Osiris stared at his brother. "Why do you hate us so much Shadix gave us a brief reason?" Xero ignored Osiris instead he was glaring at Malthazar. "Because Osiris he thinks we abandoned him." That was all Malthazar got to say before he felt something cut his mouth and Xero had blood on his hand. "You didn't even move how?" Malthazar was more shocked then anything and Xero grinned showing off razor sharp teeth. "Because I'm faster then light now." Xero looked at Osiris. "You both left me to rot with monsters who were waging a war against my kind not even a few days ago. I barely survived if it wasn't for mom I'd be dead you both can drop dead for all I care. I don't need you either of you." Xero's words cut the two like butter and they just watched as he took Shadix away. "He's right you know." Zuu spoke up before following after his Summoner. Xero was hugging Shadix tightly the wolf looking happy and by the looks of his tail was indeed happy. Zuu however noticed the mark on Xero's face was now bigger then before as well as Zuu's mana sense let him see black and red wings of mana as well as two horns on Xero. Zuu froze when he saw the magic shift and it suddenly seemed like the Sin Magic was watching him. Xero let Shadix go to walk up to Zuu who leaned down to his summoner. "So ready to head back to Augur?" Zuu nods before helping Xero and Shadix on to his back. "Malthazar I have a message for you and the others watching me. Mess with me or my friends and I'll end the world like I did last time around." Malthazar's blood ran cold hearing that. "I am not that naive child anymore his memories are laid bare to me and so is his life energy. I won't turn out like him I'll be far worse this is your only warning." Zuu took that as a sign to leave and they did. "What did he mean dad?" Osiris looked to see Malthazar ghost white and hyperventilating. "He knows about the others already?" 

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