Chapter NX-01: Witness Testimony I

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Access Folder: WHA_internalDatabase/guardianArchives/criminalInvestigationsDepartment/access_Hades/case_sortClosed/projectBloodborne/witnessTestimony

Access Testimony: Entry_0001

File Retrieved.

Access Witness Information:

Name: Kaina Tsutsumi

Profession: Hero [Public Hero Safety Commission - JAPAN] (alias Lady Nagant)

Open Retrieved File.



Access Code: 02-PX-JK-20-BLACK

Security Code Approved.

File Access Granted.

Displaying Testimony Transcript.

- Good evening, I will be serving as your interrogator for the duration of this inquiry. As an oathbound operative of the World Hero Association, full cooperation and compliance is demanded. Should your answers be deemed as falsehood or deliberately misleading, an information extraction specialist will be contacted. Do you understand?

- ...Understood.

- Under normal circumstances, witness testimonial declarations aren't treated like criminal prosecutions. However, this incident has attracted the undivided attention of the association, so the department has been ordered to comply with increased scrutiny and discretion standards. Though, I suppose the reaction is warranted.

- ...No Response.

- Let's begin with the essentials of the case. What was the reason for your deployment?

- Four months ago, my unit was ordered to investigate several scarcely populated northern villages in response to total communication silence from the professional heroes operating in their vicinity. Law enforcement agencies nationwide are mandated by the commission to provide monthly status reports. Usually speaking, bureaucrats from the administrative department conduct thorough examinations of offices that fail to deliver the reports. When the Smores agency failed to provide such a monthly report, the commission initially suspected negligence or simple technological malfunction. However, when the problem began spreading inexplicably to neighboring agencies, that's when we were called in.

- ...No Response.

- In total, there were five urban centers reported to have suffered a total communication blackout. The operation's first and final destination was Hihizen, the quaint small town of less than 10,000 that was the first to go dark. The commission had provided us with an armored carrier helicopter that functioned as our primary means of transportation, wishing to prevent a potential woodland ambush. Upon failing to receive any response to landing authorization requests, the unit exited the aircraft via rappel. I remember feeling unusually serene upon landing in the central town square, as though we had somehow stumbled into a sacred temple. The entire region had been immersed in an undisturbed stillness and quietude, invaded occasionally by the whistling northern breeze. The freshly preserved ruins of an abandoned village, once bustling with daily urban commotion just a few days prior, now served as the sole indication that there had once been a human presence. We conducted an extensive survey of the main boulevards with the intention of gathering reconnaissance and finding local residents. Regrettably, neither endeavor proved successful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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