Stress Relief

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  William's POV:

  I was about to lose what remained of my sanity.. it had been nearly an hour of this. I was stuck watching a god damn birthday party. It wasn't even fucking worth it. There were children throwing pizza and cake at each other, screaming and crying when they got hit or insulted, and I couldn't stand it. Two other employees were observing the absolute hell that was this shit party. They could handle the little monsters for a few minutes.. I need to see a certain someone in the back.

  I snuck off down the hallway, slowly hearing the sounds of children screaming becoming quieter and quieter as I ducked behind the rather thick concrete walls and through a door. A door with a sign that read: 'Mr. Emily's Office'. He hadn't noticed my presence just yet, but that's fine. I quietly observed him from my spot by the door.. he seemed to be working on something? His office was simple. A desk, a workbench, a small sofa, and a couple of filing cabinets. He was standing in front of the workbench, tinkering away at something that I couldn't see from my current location. Occasionally, he would shift a little bit away, writing something down on a small notepad on the edge of the bench.

  I stepped closer, trying to get a better view of what he was working on. I almost tripped over mechanical parts, loose wires, and dirty cardboard boxes. His office has always been rather messy.. I was right behind him now. I wonder how long it'll take for him to notice I'm behind him.. There was an unfinished endoskeleton head on the workbench, seemingly belonging to a Fredbear model, as it had a slightly longer mouth and blueish eyes. Henry kept adjusting little features, like the barely attached jaw and ears. I looked around the rest of the bench. There were small sketches of various Fredbear and Springbonnie designs all around. Some were larger, and some were slimmer, clearly meant to fit someone other than Henry.

  One, in particular, caught my attention, however. There was a very detailed "sketch" of a Fredbear design on top of the mess. It was colored and everything, even with little added notes on the sides, a feature of most of Henry's art. He seemed to be trying to replicate this particular design. A fairly round and fuzzy golden bear with a deep blue top hat and a matching bow tie. It had a light purple vest with white stars and dots all over it. It looks cute, with just the right amount of uncanny. It was almost perfection, much like Henry himself. Surely he would wear this one if it even was a suit. I just have to see it up close.. I didn't even realize I reached for the paper until it was a little too late.

  Henry jumped, purely out of shock, and spun around to face me, backing against the desk. He sighed, seeing me instead of whatever threat he had imagined. Poor thing looked like I scared him half to death. "When did you get in here??-". He sounded so startled. I held up the drawing he made. He froze and looked down at the floor like he was embarrassed by the drawing. "What's wrong?". He didn't respond. I asked him again. He still didn't say anything. I felt like he was ignoring me.. or perhaps it was just fear?

3rd Person POV:

   William pushed Henry back up against the workbench, almost knocking over the items scattered across it. Their faces were pretty close together- but only Henry seemed to be affected by it. William remained as calm as ever, staring directly at Henry. "Is there something wrong, Hen?". The shorter of the two squirmed, trying and failing, to free himself from Afton's grasp. "No, everything's fine." They were so uncomfortably close together, William could smell exactly what shampoo Henry had used.

   Henry tried to push him away again, but William wouldn't budge. Instead, he pulled Henry into a hug. "Will, let go- I have work to do." William decided this wasn't working. Henry wasn't being honest with him.. but he didn't want to threaten him.. William gently held Henry's face in his hands, like he would break. He could feel Henry's pulse against his hand, the warmth of his skin. He had freckles dotted across his cheeks, his glasses slightly askew. William was staring at his pretty brown eyes, trying to gauge what he was thinking. Poor little Henry looked like a tomato by now, and he was avoiding any eye contact with his best friend. William was thinking..

Back to William POV:

  ..Why do I want to kiss him?.. I mean, of course, I've always admired his skills and his appearance. Why wouldn't I? He can be absolutely adorable at times. But I've never thought of him like this, have I?.. No, wait. I have.. dozens of times. Just little thoughts about his personal life, his thoughts, his body, etcetera.. he's my perfect counterpart. I'm cold and intelligent, he's warm and sweet and slightly.. less intelligent than I am, but he has his moments. He's so easy to boss around..

  I pull Henry's face closer to my own, leaving a small gap between us. I can smell the coffee he had this morning. I'm sure he could smell the cigarette smoke I've been unable to get out of this jacket.. he doesn't seem disgusted at all, though.. usually, he detests the smell of cigarettes or tobacco.. he actually seems to be leaning in just a bit more, breathing a little deeper. I feel like he's teasing me..

  I pull him closer by the shirt collar, finally connecting our lips. I'm kissing Henry.. oh God, this is new. How long have I wanted this?.. years? Since college, maybe?

  I was expecting him to pull away, not wrap his arms around me- this should feel bad, I should feel bad. I'm married with three kids for fucks sake.. but.. I never really felt.. right.. with anyone before. And Henry doesn't make me feel right either.. but he makes things feel better, doesn't he? That's all he's ever done.. He pulls me closer, arms around me, holding me tight. Evelyn never did that.. Did Henry's wife.. did Marilyn ever hug him like this? Like she would die without him? I doubt it.. he would've hugged her right back the same way. He wouldn't need to hug me this way. That's it, isn't it?

  Henry makes things better. He holds me like he can't live without me, like he'll die. He takes the stress away.. the pain and the discomfort..

  He finally pulled away, still very red and still very obviously blushing. I gently caressed his face, staring into those eyes again.. he returned the stare, but his was much more loving. Much more tender. A loving gaze as opposed to a possessive stare. My little Henry.. so sweet and fragile. So loving and kind.. the world didn't deserve him.

  We kissed again, though this time, he was the one to initiate it. He yanked me closer by the shirt collar. He moved a little, pushing papers and metal scraps to the floor to sit on the workbench. Pulling me closer. Pulling me in.

  I forget why I came into his office.. I'm far too busy making out with my best friend to care to remember. He tasted like coffee and caramel. And it was mine now. He pulled away for air again, seemingly trying to find the words he needed to put his thoughts into the air. "Um- is- was that okay?".. Ugh.. God- all I have to do is hear him, and everything goes away.. Its intoxicating. I smile. A smile filled with love and.. something else. A sudden realization..

  Obsession.. that's what it's been.. not just admiration for him. I'm obsessed with this simple little man.

  ..with my little stress reliever.

(1328 words)

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