Part 1

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The TARDIS was stuck in the middle of a terrible Time Storm inside the vortex. Ultimately damaging the exterior of the time machine. But it wasn't only the Type 40 that was damaged at the moment...the Doctor was a mess.

He had just experienced another loss of a companion. Clara..still so young and full of life, met her untimely demise at the hands of a Orgi enemy he hadn't seen since his 4th regeneration.

Now, unable to focus, he ran wildly around the console, trying to get her to land. The shaking got worse as he tried to escape the vortex.

When he was finally able to get out, the shaking only dwindled a little. Soon, a large thud was heard from outside, as the TARDIS landed and skidded across the pavement.

He regained his balance from the rough landing, and made his way to the door, pondering what he had hit. His old hands reached for the handle, and he pulled open the doors. A big blob of red hair, lay just a few meters away. "No..not another one..I can't be responsible for another death today.."

The Time Lord ran over to the young girl, and knelt down to take her pulse.

"Still alive..but barely," he breathed a sigh of relief. His arms slipped underneath her, lifting her unconscious body, and walking her to the TARDIS medbay.

-Time Skip-

The Doctor took care of her for over a month, while she was in her comatose state. He often found himself falling asleep in the room, waiting for her to wake up.

He didn't know why he kept her...he could have easily checked her into a hospital, and left her for good. But for some reason he couldn't. Was it that he felt responsible..or was it that she resembled one of his past companions? He wasn't able figure it out, but he didn't care.

Finally, after 49 days of being unconscious, Julianne's eyes fluttered open.

<Julianne's POV>

My eyes opened to the harsh light of the room, slowly adjusting as I looked around.

Where am I? The last thing I remember, was going shopping for repair supplies..

I slowly sat up, and saw the various medical machines and doodads throughout the room, but my eyes fell on one thing in old man sitting at the end of the bed, sleeping, with his head near my shins.

<Third Person POV>

Julianne moved her leg, hoping to wake the man up, and it worked.

He jolted awake, falling backwards in his chair," bloody hell.." He groaned.

"Sorry.." She spoke softly and chuckled,"I didn't know you'd do that.."

He collected himself, putting the chair back in its upward state,"Its quite alright...I'm just glad to see you awake after almost fifty days of unconsciousness."

" Fifty days?!" Her voice gargled, still not used to talking.

"Yes, well, forty-nine... And I must give you my sincerest apologies, it was my machine's fault that you were injured."

She rubbed her head,"...I don't remember."

"It is expected for there to be amnesia, after some life-threatening accidents," he explained," you were almost dead by the time I got you inside.." He cringed, but then clapped his hands together,"So! What's your name? Some of my technology was damaged and I wasn't able to find out.."

" J-Julianne ..who are you? You don't seem like a normal doctor.." He chuckled.

"That's because I'm not a normal doctor...I'm the Doctor.

Julianne froze, and she began to remember," you ran over me with your TARDIS.." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry...did you say TARDIS? How do you know that?" He looked at her with wide eyed shock.

"Only the Doctor has a TARDIS..that's what grandma said.." she continued to talk to herself.

"Who are you..?" He asked, almost angrily.

She looked him straight in the eye,"The granddaughter of Amelia Pond.."

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