Deceit of a Drenthaxian

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‘Seconds later, Vulkryon and I are beamed onto The Drenthaxian ship. I struggle to free myself from the bonds holding me. I scream as they squeeze me tighter. Vulkryon holds me in his arms, pulling me into his chest, chuckling as he watches me wriggle and writhe.’

“You might as well cease your struggling, Princess. Soon, you and I will be together for all of eternity. With you as my Intergalactic Queen, I’ll be King of all the galaxies.”

“I will never give you the Kingdom of Venuvia. Not as long as I’m breathing. Kidnapping and/or attempting to murder royalty is a treason punishable by death.”

“You are not only beautiful, you are also very clever. A fine quality every Drenthaxian Male looks for in a bride.” 

‘I slap him hard across the face after removing the restraints from my arms as he pulls me closer. Vulkryon smiles, rubbing his cheek as I glare angrily in his direction.’

“Beautiful, clever and feisty. I do find those qualities rather attractive in a woman, Araelyn. With you at my side as my Queen, the universe will bow before us.” 

“I didn’t ask for this, Vulkryon. I don’t want to be your Queen. I just want to return home to Venuvia.”  

“This ship will be your home until after we wed, and after which, my people and I will live with you in the Venuvian Palace.”

“Nothing in this universe would ever make me marry you.”

“Is that so? Not even to save your Kingdom, or the assured safety of your loyal subjects? Rhazulaan forbid you to be the kind of Princess who is so self-absorbed, and shallow that you would dare refuse aid to her people.”

“This is not how I want to protect my people. I may sound like the old-fashioned human girl when I say that I believe one should marry for love, and for no other reason. And I have no love in my heart for you, Lord Vulkryon.”

‘General Flaxby walks over to me, pulling the restraints so I drop to my knees. He kneels down, striking me hard across the face.’

“How dare you speak to the galaxy’s future King with such insolence? As a lady born of royal blood, you should know when to hold that tongue of yours. You will treat Lord Vulkryon with the highest respect.” General Flaxby demanded

“The Venuvians have a saying, General Flaxby; Respect is not just given. It’s something that has to be earned.” I say with zealous confidence in my voice

“I shall have to resort to other means if you don’t cooperate, Princess. And that would be a very ugly way to win the heart of such an alluring creature like yourself.”

‘I look up at the General, smiling as he leans in close enough for me to whisper in his ear.’

“You and Lord Vulkryon can kiss my Glotknuct.”

‘The look on Flaxby’s face had melted from calm to grisly and angered within seconds.’

“You insolent smart-mouthed little..” Flaxby sneered 

‘Flaxby raises his arm over his head, attempting to strike me again, but is stopped by Vulkryon stepping in between us.’

“It’s quite alright, General. This is a lot for the Princess to take in. She will learn to adjust in time. Ah, Lieutenant Trexler.” 

‘At his call, a Drenthaxian Male with long dark wavy hair approaches, removing his helmet and bowing before Vulkryon and Flaxby. His visor glistens in the semi-dim lighting. I wince looking in terror as I’m being lead toward his minion.’

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