🐻 - Baby On Board Pt.2

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Here's part 2.thank you to the two people who voted for my first chapter 😂 loves u all <3 <3


Flo's POV:
We make it to my house, it was now 2.30am and thankfully Y/N was sleeping. Me and Scarlett got out of the car, taking our stuff inside before unbuckling Y/N's car seat and taking her inside and setting her down on the living room floor. "You'll be staying in the guest room, there's a crib and new sheets on the bed along with stuff in the bathroom and a changing mat." I said. 

"Thank you Flo, you didn't have too" Scarlett said sweetly. Of course I didn't mind because she was a guest and my best friend. "I did tho, you've come all this way with my 5 month old niece just to visit me for a week. Buuuttttt enough of that stuff, It's late and you should get some sleep, plus you have a sleeping baby that would be more comfortable in a crib or with her mama" I said picking up Y/N and pushing Scarlett up the stairs. We got to the room and Scarlett went to get changed so I took Y/N out of her seat and changed her nappy and onesie, swaddling her and setting her in the crib.

Scarlett's POV: 

I got out of the bathroom when I was changed and seen Florence leaning over the crib looking at Y/N sleeping peacefully. "Thank you Flo, I would've done it" I said, walking towards her, looking at my baby. "It's really no problem Scar, I lover her. Plus she is my niece so I get to do it" I chuckle at her remark and shake my head. She walks towards the door before turning back to me and saying "Goodnight Scar, see you in the morning." she said before leaving.

I sigh and  close my door before walking towards the crib and giving Y/N her dummy. I walk to the bed and get under the covers before putting my phone on charge and closing my eyes, slowly falling asleep.


Scar's POV:

I groan, rolling on my back as I hear my baby wail. I throw the covers off and make my way over to her and leaning on the crib. "What's wrong sweet girl? hm, maybe a dirty nappy." I pick her up from the crib and grab the changing mat before laying it down on the bed and setting her on it. I un-swaddle her from the blanket before unclipping her onesie and taking the nappy off, I wipe her bum with the wet wipes before putting some baby powder on her bottom and lifting her bum and put a diaper underneath. I tape her nappy and clipped her onesie again before putting the dirty nappy and wipes in a bag and throwing it in a bin. I pick her up and thankfully shes only whimpering now, I sit on the bed, swaying her side to side until she falls asleep.

But, to my luck she's sat wide awake just sucking on her dummy. "Your not gunna sleep are ya?" I question. I stand up and make my way downstairs, going to the living room and sitting down with her on my lap with her facing the telly. I put her favourite show on (which ever show your heart desires) and let her watch that for a while, making sure the sound wasn't too loud to wake Flo.

It was now 7.35AM and at around 6.56AM Y/N fell asleep which I was thankful for. I set her down on the sofa, surrounding her with pillows so she wouldn't fall off. I made my way to the kitchen thinking that I could make breakfast for me and Flo. I got the ingredients to make pancakes with Nutella.  I got to work making the mix and heating the frying pan and in the midst of doing so I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, knowing it was Florence I turned around and smiled saying "Good morning, I'm making pancakes for us so you just sit down on the sofa whilst I finish making them. Y/N sleeping as well so we have some peace for now" Flo looks at me smiling and makes her way over to the living room to where Y/N is.

Flo's POV:

I see Scarlett in the kitchen smiling at me and she says "Good morning, I'm making pancakes for us so you just sit down on the sofa whilst I finish making them. Y/N sleeping as well so we have some peace for now"   I smile and make my way over to where Y/N is sleeping and see her in between two pillows with her dummy in her mouth and a blanket over her. I sit next to her, admiring her and running the pad of my thumb across her cheeks. She stirs a bit but remains sleeping so I change the telly to Netflix and put on Marcella (don't question. I love et she's sexy in it) I watch that for a bit until Scarlett comes in with pancakes. I say thank you to her and we started eating in an un-awkward silence. Once we were finished eating, I took the plates out to the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher.

As I finished putting everything in the dishwasher I heard a certain someone start crying. I make my way to the living room and see Scarlett holding Y/N on her lap, facing her and making funny faces at her making her laugh. I smile and make my way over to them, sitting next to Scarlett and as I do so, Y/N turns her head to look at me. "Hello sweetie" I say to her as Scarlett moves her into my lap, I support her by holding her by her hips and I start playing with her.

It is now 12.26pm and Y/N's due her nap so Scarlett goes to heat up a bottle of milk and makes her way back to me saying "I could take her if you want, I don't want her annoying you" I smile at her and say " It's ok, I want to feed her if that's alright, I haven't seen her in ages and I've missed her" Scarlett smiles and nods at me before going back to the kitchen to get her bottle.

She walks back to me, handing me the bottle and I stand up making my way to her bedroom and sit down on the bed with my back resting against the backboard. I move Y/N so her head is resting on my elbow and I move the bottle to her mouth, rubbing it against her bottom lip and she opens mouth and lets the bottle settle in her mouth. She starts suckling on he bottle, allowing milk to flow in her mouth. When she gets into a rhythm i grab her blankie and rest it on my shoulder and so it rests around her body, blocking her from the light that's shining in the room.

She continues to suckle on the bottle until its empty and once it is. I remove the blanket and bottle, setting it on the nightstand and resting her head on my shoulder and I start tapping her back waiting for her to burp. once she does so I rest her against my chest and stand up and start swaying side to side and tapping her bum. After a while she falls asleep so I set her on the bed ontop of the swaddling blanket and swaddle her, picking her up and setting her in her crib, also putting a dummy into her mouth for her to suck on

I kiss her head goodnight and make my way back downstairs to Scarlett where we watch a movie or 2 until Y/N wakes up.



It's my first time writing on my tiny laptop and is so much easier lol



1300+ WORDS

Scarlett/natasha x Fem! male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now