The Beginning of the End

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A noun.

It's the action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings.

It's also a right.

The freedom of speech.

Such an unfamiliar concept, for people under the age of eighteen.

When a child is born, a microchip in installed into their bodies. That microchip is called VOICE. If a child speaks, the government will be notified of their location. Once notified, two Zodiacs are sent out to get the child and take them to the Camp. Attempt to take out the VOICE from your child before their eighteen, and the child will die. That is how the government keeps their citizens in line and doing exactly what they want: through fear.

And whatever the government believes in, is what the public believes in. That is one of the many laws that the citizens of New Shanghai follow. The government says that civilians cannot speak until the age of eighteen. The government says that at the age of eighteen, people must take the Evaluation in order to be granted the right to speak. Those who fail the Evaluation, get sent to the Camp. The government says that if one speaks under the age of eighteen, they will be sent to the Camp. Disobey, rebel, or have any ill thoughts against the government, be prepared to face the consequences of going to the Camp. Going to the Camp means not returning. And even if they do return from the camp, those who do do not return as the people they once were. Frightened to the point where they can't speak, they spend the rest of their days in silence and fear. And be careful, their always watching. Always.

As the leader of the rebel group, The Red Hat Hackers, Lu Bing has never felt the most need in his life other than right now, to curse. After attempting to persuade the public to stand up for themselves against the corrupted government, the base the Red Hat Hackers were using was stormed by police. Shutting down the security cameras and VOICE, broadcasting live their message to New Shanghai, seemed to have all gone to waste. And now they were all sitting in a cell, in the most top-notch prison facility: Fort Supermax. The supposedly big cell felt small as there were five people crammed together. Gray and white were the only colors that engulfed the entire room. The very same gray hue, was the color of the sky the day Jian Yang was taken away.

A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling, giving the room a small white glow. The walls were bare, and there were no windows. Oblivious of the fact of even if it was night time or day time, a person could easily be driven insane in this cell. Though they were behind a thick metal door, they could still hear the repeated fists banging against the cells across the hall. Two bunk beds were neatly up against opposite walls, and the mattresses looked like it was capable of giving people back pain. A metal chair sat up against the middle wall, along side a single sink and toilet.

Pacing back and forth in the small area that was available, Kai Zhong's face was scrunched up. His eyebrows were furrowed as if he was confused about something. He let out a sudden sigh of exasperation, eyes possessing a small flame igniting within them. Extending his leg back, he kicked the metal chair against the wall. A loud BANG followed by the clattering of the chair echoed the room, startling the others up. Tong Yao peered down from the top bunk with an annoyed expression on her face.

"What is wrong with you?"

Kai Zhong jerked his head up to face her. His gold eyes now reflected nothing but rage, hatred, and disgust.

"Was it you?"

Confused by the sudden question, Tong Yao bit the inside of her lip.

"What do you mean?"

"DON'T ACT SO OBLIVIOUS, I KNOW SOMEONE IN THIS ROOM DID IT." Kai Zhong suddenly yelled. Knees against his chest and back pressed against the wall, Jian Yang hugged them tightly. Si Cheng, who was peacefully sleeping on the other bunk, woke up. Stretching his arms, he sat up.

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