Chapter 4- The Other Side

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Athena Walker woke up the next morning, turning over in... a bed? She woke up and gasped, a sharp pain shot in her side. 

"Wha-?" A woman entered the room and smiled. 

"Oh good, you are awake." She said, Athena touched her forehead and winced. 

"What? Where am I?" 

"Middleton place," The lady says, going to her bedside and checking the bandage wrapped around her waist, holding her ribs together, "Lord Cornwallis has requested for an audience with you. When you fully wake up, your clothes are folded on that chair. Go down the hallway, the drawing room is the 4th room on the left." 

She was still out of it, she shook her head and slowly got up, "Right right..." She slowly got dressed and desperately tried to remember what had happened. Then it hit her. She left the room and went down the hall, she knocked on the door and swayed slightly. 

"Come in." 

Athena opened the door and poked her head in, she saw three men, two of them were wearing bad powdered wigs. Then she locked eyes with the man who was sitting down, one leg crossed over the other, sipping on bourbon. He rolled his eyes. 

"Come come," The older man beckoned, she took a few steps forward and kept her eyes on the floor, "What's your name dear?" 

"Athena... Walker." She said, nodding her head, "You must be Lord Cornwallis." 

"Indeed I am, smart girl." Cornwallis smiled, he gestured to the man next to him, "This is General Charles O'Hara and..." He looked at the brunette who gave an uninterested look to the girl, he looked her up and down in disdain. 

"Colonel William Tavington, Green Dragoons," He said before taking a sip of his drink. Athena nodded her head again. 

"Tell me dear," Cornwallis said, "You were found on the side of the road, nearly dead. How?" 

She figured there was no point in lying so she answered honestly, "Well... Sir..." She took a deep breath, images from last night came flooding into her mind, "British troops killed my parents and with all due respect I wanted them dead. So I joined the Militia under the supervision of Benjamin Martin." 


Colonel Tavington sat up straight, interested, he chuckled, "Forgive me." He smirked, "A short, small, girl like you... a soldier?" He scoffed and almost started laughing. 

"I had about Fifty-Kills of redcoats," Athena snapped, Tavington shook his head and leaned back down. 

"Impressive... for a girl." He smirked, Athena rolled her eyes and clasped her hands behind her back. 

"Please continue." Cornwallis said. 

"Right, right," She said with a small nod, "So I disguised myself as a man and joined the militia." 

Tavington snapped and stood up, "She should be dead!" 


"No! The law states that if a woman impersonates a soldier, she should be put to death!" 

Athena hung her head down in shame, "Enough! I will not have you speak to her like-" 

"He's right..." She said, her hair covering her face, a few tears running down her cheek. They all looked at her, "He's right, I should be dead..." 

"My dear... from what we have heard from you," Lord Cornwallis smiles softly at her, "You have proven well in war. Who taught you?" 

"My father mostly, and Benjamin Martin," She said, "He was nicknamed The Ghost." 

Colonel Tavington stared at Athena before clearing his throat, "Benjamin Martin is the ghost?" 

"Yes sir." Athena says with a small nod. 

"And who gave you access to a saber and rifle?" 

"No offense Colonel... Tavington was it?" She asked, "But I don't believe that's any of your concern." 

"Tell me," Lord Cornwallis said, folding his hands, "Can you ride a horse?" 

"Yes sir. Been riding since I was a little girl." 

Cornwallis looked at Tavington and as if the younger man was reading the elders mind, his jaw slacked and his upper lip twitched. 

"My Lord-" 

"Then it's settled, Miss Walker you'll be riding with the Dragoons." 

"Sir?" Athena asked and shook her head, "No no no, I shouldn't be-" 

"Listen to her my Lord," Tavington interrupted her, "She is but a child, my reputation-" 

"You have no reputation after what your father did to your family name." Lord Cornwallis said and nodded to Athena, "You'll be riding with them in a month." 

Colonel Tavington scoffed, turned on his heel, and stormed out of the room. Athena sighed and closed her eyes, she felt like crying again. Lord Cornwallis sighed, went up to her, and hugged her softly. 

"It's alright dear, Colonel Tavington will warm up soon enough, just give it a few days time." He spoke in a soft tone, he pulled a handkerchief out and dabbed her teary eyes, "Alright, don't cry dear. Do you remember where your room is?" 

"Yes sir." 

"So polite." He pats her head and lifts her chin, "Alright there dear, don't cry..." He kissed the top of her head and patted her cheek, "You can find your room okay?" 

"Yes sir." She said, Cornwallis gave the girl a warm smile. 

"Alright then, off you go. I'll have a maid send your uniform to you when it's ready." 

"Okay thank you." She said as she bowed her head and left for her bedroom. She laid on the bed and closed her eyes, a headache beginning already from her injuries. 

"Maybe being on the other side of the war might not be so bad..." 

Darling of the Dragoons (Colonel William Tavington)Where stories live. Discover now