Chapter 13- Promotion

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"She disobeyed a direct order my Lord!" Colonel Tavington snapped at his commanding officer who just rolled his eyes and rested his head on his hand. Athena bowed her head in shame. 


"I want to see her punished for her insubordination!" 

"Tavington, enough!" 

He shut his mouth and bit the inside of his cheek, "Now, I want you to play nice and from the reports I've been given by your fellow soldiers," Cornwallis frowns, "You have been way to harsh on her!" 


"I don't want to hear it!" Cornwallis snapped and looked over at Athena, "Now, I want you to play nice, am I clear?" 

"My lord, with-" 

"No, I don't wanna hear it." He folded his hands and frowned, "Now, I want you to say to me right now that you will treat Miss Walker with pure respect." 

"Respect is earned, not given." 

"Colonel, you are in very thin ice. Do you want your weekly pay?" 

"I-" Tavington turned to Athena and crossed his arms, giving her a passive aggressive smile, "Fine... Athena, I will promise to honor and treat you with respect from this moment onward." 

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" The older man said with a little nod, Tavington rolled his eyes and took in a sharp breath. 

"And Miss Walker," Cornwallis handed her a roll of parchment, "Here." 

Athena unrolled the paper and scanned through it, her face lightened up, "You're promoting me to Captain?!" 

"You've earned the title with the hard work you've been doing at camp and on the battlefield." He smiled at her and nodded. 

"Thank you my Lord," She bowed respectfully, smiling bright, "I am eternally grateful." 

"Of course dear," He said with a smile, "I hope to see you climb higher on the ladder." 

"I won't let you down." 

"I know you won't. Congratulations on your promotion, you've earned it... Captain Walker." 

Darling of the Dragoons (Colonel William Tavington)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora