Chapter 22

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  ''Vrrr Vrrrr.'' I opened my eyes and squinted.  Apparently I dozed off on the couch waiting for Jack. that must have been his car It was starting to get dark outside , I groggily got up from the couch where I spotted about four cars on the side of our house, and a pale blue car in our driveway. That was Jack, finally after hours of waiting he was finally here. Familiar looking men starting coming out of he cars putting their arms around one another leading up into the driveway. Jack was in front of the four men leading them up to our porch. I am glad to see Jack is coming home but it is dinner time , Jack and I time. He said it was, he even said he was going to be home even sooner and how can I host four random men I though.Jack let himself in with the four others behind him. Well, time to put on a happy face.

 ''Sorry I am late hon, Frank wanted us to stay a bit later today, thought the guys could join us for dinner.'' I don't think Jack realized what he was saying that is a total of six people and I don't even know if the stew could even cover two people.

I lowered my voice and walked a bit closer to Jack.

 ''Jack, I only cooked enough food for the two of us.''

He twisted his lip.

''Alice, I know how last minute this is but could you butter some bread or something?'' 

He then kissed my cheek commenting how beautiful I looked in the dress. He walked away from me giving me a quick hair rustle.

''Oh, mates this is Alice she is my  gorgeous love, just thought I should introduce you to her.''

I started to smile a bit knowing that Jack still acknowledgment me. I saw a boy with very pale skin making a thumbs up gesture.

 ''That's Patrick, he understand what Jack says, and he also thinks you are really beautiful.'' The guy with olive skin who said that got a harsh nudge  in the shoulder from Patrick.

''Well yes Patrick does have the right idea Alice is stunning but eating dinner would also be stunning as well.'' 

After of the men saying that I heard a unison of  agreement. I am glad Jack let his coworkers into the front room where the tv was, due to how little chairs we have at the dining table. I went into the kitchen and started on preparing the bread. I then realized something and quickly turned around.

 ''Pardon me for being a poor hostess but what are the rest of your names?''

''I am James''', one of the men said, he had a firm handshake.

''Nice to meet you James.'' I replied.

 ''Yep that is good Ol James Mr. Serious we sometimes call him, he works hard never plays hard. I am William nice to meet you.''

William had crystal blue eyes and short stature compared to the rest of the guys. But non the less William looked quite attractive. I then met Robert, the olive skinned guy who translates for Patrick.

 ''I will bring out the stew soon it is simmering, the bread is getting buttered but would any of you guys like a drink?''

William wanted tea so I went back into the kitchen and got a kettle of water.

 ''I wish my girl did that for me , tending for me. I haven't slept with mine in ages. Practically since we had Forest.'' I overheard James say.

''Oh James, how did you and Conica meet again?''

''I met her while working at the airplane assembly factory, she would come inside the distribution line and ask what I needed meaning ordering wise. I took it in another sense fast forward we had Forest.''

''Still can't get over that name Forest.''

''Well William, I preferred Bear but she did not like that.''

I saw William sneer.

 ''Ah James you are killing me lad you were going to name your son Bear like the animal?''

''Yeah, now pipe down he came out sounding like a little bear cub.''

''Fair, fair I was in the car with Eleanor the other day with little Jimmy. Jimmy he is a great little lad but Eleanor was reading him the manual  while driving he was just protesting and throwing a fit.''

''Well that or he is learning something worse like his goofball habits from his dad.'' Robert added.

''Eh well too late for that.'' William remarked.

''Well no matter what I think you sound like a great dad Wiliam.'' I heard Jack say.

''Forest was like that too, he used to be awful in wanting to learn the manual just not sitting still and whining but it all comes with age.''

 I was walking out with a tray of tea and bread with a question in mind.

''James, what is thus manual? And whats in it thats so important that young children need to known? 

 Robert started to talk''The manual is created by ......'' Robert was then given a nasty glare from James. I caught a glimpse of how much of discomfort James was in, he started to sigh...

 Happy Halloween everyone I hope everyone has a nice night and that you enjoy this chapter :]

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