Chapter 4 The new year 🍋

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Well to those who voted this be a lemon you get your wish  as I said in the voting process they are not dating but knowing Rebecca she will be fine with this honestly I have made lemon chapters before but just know the lemon happens later in this chapter 

                                                           (Y/n)'s Apartment morning 31st of December

*Rebecca and I where getting dressed and ready to spend some time with my cousin my aunt and my mom unfortunately my dad and godfather where outside of night city*

Rebecca: So its the day off what are you plans for today? 

(Y/n): Might spend some time with family than come back here to for some drinks .

Rebecca: You don't mind if I join you for that?

(Y/n): Of course you can ,ready to meet the rest of family ?

Rebecca: Lets go !

                                                              Nadia(your mom) apartment 

*you arrived at your mom and dads  place in Kabuki with Rebecca going to to her apartment*

Nadia: He's  here and he brought his input(input means girlfriend around 2077 but using it earlier) my boy *your mom comes up and hugs you kissing you on the cheek as you hug her back as she release you she sees Rebecca and hugs her too Rebecca hugs her back*

(Y/n): Something like that mom brought her over to meet you all though we might stay for bit than head back to my place.

Nadia: Well that makes sense but glad you came  come on introduce her*she smiled in a teasing way*

Gloria : Hola como estas (Y/n)*she comes up to you and hugs you* Good to see you after while .

(Y/n): Bien you too?*hugs her back*

Gloria: Good as well ah so this is the girl? 

Rebecca: Yes that would be me  you must be Gloria ? 

Gloria: Guess you heard it from either David or (Y/n) . *she said handing a beer to you than to Rebecca which she takes it * 

Nadia: I got a surprise for you (Y/n).*his eye brow raises looking at her*

*the door opens as you see two figures come in *

*the door opens as you see two figures come in *

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(Y/n): Dad and Uncle Jack!  Sam: Hey kid good to see you *he goes up hugging good to see you while Jack*

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(Y/n): Dad and Uncle Jack! 

 Sam: Hey kid good to see you *he goes up hugging good to see you while Jack*

Jack: You must be Rebecca nice to meet you .*he shakes her hand*

Rebecca: Same to you aren't you also called Raiden ?

Jack: Yes back in the day when I worked with Sam that was how I got my handle .

 Sam : Ah you must be his input Rebecca was it.*he hugs Rebecca*

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