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SAMARA LOCKWOOD BELIEVE IN MANY THINGS, but having one more chance to live after you got shot were sure as hell not one of them.

she knew she died, because she remembered every single detail of it.

she remembered how she just got out of the grill after spending time with her friends and despite tyler being her drive home, she had told him that she will be fine by walking because she wants to go home for a much needed sleep after finishing her history paper for alaric and the strange nightmares she’s been having after the ball.

no one expected that a loose gun man that was on a run were gonna be there. that samara would die because of it.

she knew that she died. she remembered the gunshot, people screaming, sheriff forbes panicking–hell, she even remembered how she bled to death. so where the hell is she?

till we meet again | damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now