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“THE BATTLE OF WILLOW CREEK,” alaric said making samara sigh and leaned back on her chair, absentmindly tapping her pen on her sketch pad, watching her teacher move behind his desk and leaned forward slightly, “took place right at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls.”

the raven haired girl huff and closed her eyes momentarily. she doesn’t know why they’re still obsessed with something that happened in the 1800’s when it’s 2022!

don’t get her wrong, alaric’s her favorite teacher, but for her history is boring and a waste of time. but that doesn’t mean she’s just gonna ignore the subject. she still need the grades.

she opened her eyes and started drawing mindlessly in her sketch pad, ignoring her teacher.

alaric looked at his students and sighs when he saw the uninterested faces, which he somehow understand. he’s sure that this was discussed before. “how many casualties resulted in the battle?” he asks as he looked around. not giving anyone time to raise their hand, he called the blonde jock who was currently throwing crumpled papers to the mayor’s son.

“mr. donavan? would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?” he joked, hoping to lighten up the mood.

matt stopped throwing papers at tyler and looked at his teacher with a crooked grin, “it’s okay, mr. saltzman, i’m cool with it.” he joked back smoothly, causing the class to let out a few chuckles.

tyler snort and leaned on his seat, lifting his hand to high-five his best friend.

alaric chuckled lightly at his answer before picking another student, “ms. bennet?” he called and looked at the girl with mixed skin and brown hair.

caroline who was on the left side of the said girl nudge her friend, since she wasn’t paying attention and was just doodling on her notebook.

bonnie jumped slightly on her seat and looked at caroline before looking at her teacher with a sheepish look, “um...a lot?” she asked, unsure of her answer. “i don’t know. like a whole lot?”

alaric sighs and shook his head as the students let out a laugh.

caroline looked at her friend and snort, “nice answer, bon.” she mused with a snicker while samara who was on bonnie’s right side smirk at her and nod without looking up at her sketch pad.

“yeah, smart answer.” she grins. bonnie looked at her two friends with a playful glare.

“ms. lockwood?”

“huh?” she answered cluelessly and looked up at her teacher.
alaric sigh again like a dissapointed father making the girl pout slightly, though she knew that alaric wouldn’t be mad at her whether she knows the answer or not.

“how many casualties resulted in the battle?” he asks again.

samara tilted her head to the side with a thoughtful look, “uh, it was...346 casualties.” she answered. “unless, you’re counting 27 local civilians.”

alaric nod and smile for the first time, proud at one of his favorite students. “very good.” he humms, “but there were no civilian casualties, ms. lockwood.” he corrected.

samara frowns in confusion and shook her head, “uh, actually, there were civilian casualties, sir.” alaric looked at her, confused. as the other students watch intently. “confederate soldiers. they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. they were wrong. it was a night of great loss.” she continued with a nod.

alaric stared at her, impressed as he nods slowly, as if he’s processing her answer. “very well. thank you ms. lockwood, i didn’t know that.”

samara grins at her favorite teacher, mischief glinting in her eyes. “the founder’s archives are stored in civil hall if you’d like to brush up on your facts, mr. saltzman.” the girl teased.

laughter was heard all around the room as alaric chuckle and shake his head.
the class continued until the bell rung. everyone was quick to get up in their seats but alaric stopped them and made them sit back down. groans and huffs were heard in the room, samara being one of them who just wants to go home and sleep, or possibly go into a coma. she prefers the latter.

the history teacher ignored them and clapped his hands to get his students attention, “write a paper about some town’s most significantly historical events and pass it to me on monday, alright? okay, class dismissed.”

“the founder’s ball is in two days! who are you two gonna take?” caroline asked with a grin once when they were seated at their usual spot in the grill.

“jeremy asked me.” bonnie said with an excited grin of her own.

caroline looked at her wide-eyed and let out a squeal, “he finally had the balls to ask you!”

samara snorted, “tell him i said congratulations.” she teased bonnie who just stuck her tongue childishly at her.

“how about you, sammie?” caroline asked her and took a sip on her lemonade.

the said girl huff in annoyance, “do i have to go?” she whined.

“go where?” tyler asks confusedly having heard mid-discussion and took a seat beside his sister. matt and jeremy who was with him took a seat too.

“founder’s ball, duh.” caroline huffed with an eye roll and flipped her hair on her shoulder.

“you know you’re part of the founding families, right?” jeremy asked samara with a slight tilt of his head, making him look like a puppy.

“yeah, and?”

“and you’re the mayor’s daughter.” matt added, backing up his friend.

“yeah, and?”

bonnie rolled her eyes at her best friend before answering, “that means you have to go.”

tyler chuckled at his sister’s antics, knowing that she doesn’t like social gatherings despite of being the mayor’s daughter who arranged many events.

“what are you guys gonna write on your paper for history?” matt asked, changing the subject.

“we don’t know yet.” caroline shrugged and waved her hand dismissively.

“and we don’t wanna talk about it.” bonnie added.

matt just shrugs and changed the subject, not wanting to talk about something related to school either. the group of friends stayed at the grill until sundown, not noticing the pair of eyes studying them one by one, who then focused his gaze on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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