Chapter 1: Please Stay

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The young blonde earl sighed as he trudged to his room after a long day of nothing but abusing his maid Hannah. Alois flopped on his bed lazily closing his eyes ready to fall asleep, before he shot up thinking he heard someone in his room. "C-Claude!" He calls bursting into tears looking up at his tall butler when he arrives. The young boys anxiety had suddenly become very strong again and would cry every time he heard a creak or light tak of the branches and leaves hitting the window. Claude was quickly getting used to the sight of his master in tears as it was normal almost every other day, but the way he cried was different. Like he was afraid something would get him. Claude slowly sat down on his masters bed expressionless and began wiping Alois' tears away gently earning a slap from the boy "dont touch me like that!" He yelled and rolled over crying into his pillow more. "Just...check the room..." He whispers now between choked sobs and curls into a foetal position burying his face in his knees. Claude checks the room as told but finds nothing "i will be leaving now your highness?" He asks in a dull monotone voice holding his hand on his heart, or what should be a heart thats been frozen.. The blonde nods hiding under the blankets when Claude leaves and cuddles one of his pillows hiding his face crying more. He slowly stops and wipes his tears away. Oh how he wished his worries and problems would go away, that he wouldn't have to hide scared behind a mask all his life. His thoughts quickly went to the subject of the younger blunette Phantomhive, he wanted him to be his as well. "Ill get you.." He whispers to himself slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

The blunette wakes up with a groan as Sebastian pulls open the curtain letting the bright golden rays in. Ciel slowly opens his eyes yawning and he sits up "good morning Bocchan". Sebastian smiles over at Ciel handing him his tea. The blunette took it and sipped at it pulling his knees up to his chest. Once he finished his tea he sat up and had Sebastian dress him, the same routine every day. Ciel stood and walked with Sebastian to his study and got Sebastian to fetch his paper and any letters for him there may be. Sebastian knocks softly on the door to the young lords study a few minutes later and hands him a few letters and the freshly ironed newspaper standing at his side whilst he read. "Shall i leave now?" He asked with a smirk. Something was up and Ciel knew full well there was because of the tone the tall raven butler had used. He shrugged it off and nodded, shooing him off. Soon the earl finished his paper and put it to the side, opening some of his letters. Usually he would have Sebastian do it and read them out to him but Ciel was a pretty moody little brat- he was a brat any day, but today he was worse- and wanted to be left alone so the mischievous butler wouldn't tick him off. Ciel skimmed through each letter finding one from the queen and read it a bit more thoroughly. He read out loud to himself "Ciel, you may know, there has been a large increase in crime rates, mostly murders. Being the queens guard dog you catch and erase the criminal but the queens spider Earl Alois Trancy-" he spat the name with venom screwing his nose up at the name but sighed and continued, wanting to know where this letter was going "Alois Trancy erases the crime scene. Because these rates are increasing you both have a lot of upcoming work on your hands and i would like you to get closer to my Spider so it becomes easier and quicker work. I suggest you become closer to one another quite quickly so you are able to work in the same area more often. Queen Victoria......". Ciel growled knowing he had to obey the lady's orders and throws the paper away as grumpy as ever now. Why did he have to work with that idiotic blonde anyway..? They were mortal enemies and Ciel wanted to keep it that way. The young Trancy seemed to as well, but in all truth he needed someone to talk to and to show they cared. The only problem was that the boy had abandonment issues and would cling to anyone just to have them stay. Ciel didn't like clingy. He hated it. "Speak of the spawn of satan himself." Ciel muttered when the next letter had come from the blonde. The Phantomhive really didnt want to open the letter but he was hoping it was at least something important and not just inviting the younger over for tea again, where last time happened to put quite a bad impression of the blonde on ciel. He opened it sighing again when it was inviting him over for tea and chess. The boy declined as usual but knew that it was either the Phantomhive over at the Trancys or the Trancy barging into the Phantomhives manor so there was most likely no escape from it.

Two days later Ciel Phantomhive received a complaint letter from Alois Trancy about how he always refused invites but he ignored it. The blunette became even more frustrated when he heard a knock at the door and when he walked downstairs to see who it was he was immediately bombarded with the older blonde skipping across the room towards him and stopped in front of him. "What are you doing here Trancy?" Ciel asked elegantly tapping two of his fingers to his forehead to show he was annoyed. "You refused my invite again so I figured you were busy and i wanted to see you" he stated matter of factly pouting slightly. The blunette had been deprived of human contact for quite some time, so he didn't know how to react when the older blonde pulled him to his chest and hugged him. Ciel looked away trying not to give in to such a warm, welcome feeling. The blonde also knew of the blunettes fragile mental state so he wasnt too upset when Ciel started telling him to let go and that the intimacy was irritating him. It was quite unfortunate however that the younger earl despised the blonde so much that he never noticed how broken he was, mentally he was unstable, afraid he would be alone. The blunette was never aware of Alois' brutal past either which brung Ciel to be just as cold to him as he is to others, with no compassion for the sad blonde. In all honesty, the blunette nor the blonde knew nothing about how similar each others pasts were. Alois started to cry quietly upset Ciel was refusing and happy that someone was letting him hug them in the first place "i-ive never had someone to hold like this...since my brother..." He whispers burying his face in the boys hair. Usually Alois would never show his true feelings to anyone but himself, out of fear people would leave him again, but he couldn't help it. All of his sadness just started spilling out as he gripped to the shorter boys shirt. Ciel looked up at Alois feeling his tears fall onto his cheeks "why are you crying Trancy?" He asked sighing and hesitantly hugged him back pressing his face in his chest for a moment. Ciel pulled away from him and pulled out a handkerchief wiping his tears away with it "good grief you look like a mess now" he muttered out combing the blondes locks back and out of his face "is it because i didn't hug you back?" He asks staring up at the boy. Alois simply looked away and kept crying. To Ciel this was a cause of concern. He put his fingers under Alois' chin and turned his head to he would look at him "Alois stop.." He says softly wiping his tears away again "its okay". Ciel proceded to hug him tightly stroking his fingers up and down his back telling the blonde it was okay every time he heard him sob. Once the boy had finally calmed down Ciel sat him on his bed pushing stray blonde locks from the boys face "are you feeling better now?.." Ciel asked softly trying to get Alois to face him. Alois nodded which caused Ciel to sigh slightly out of relief 'what was that all about...?' He thought to himself but thought it was best not to ask. The blonde slowly held his hand out and shakily wrapped it around Ciels and he squeezed it gently. Alois wiped dried tears away sniffling "i-im sorry...i am a mess..." He mumbled looking away from the younger earl. Ciel squeezed his hand back gently nodding "its fine..." He mumbled looking back at him. " why are you here exactly...?" Ciel asked a bit softer this time. "I was coming here to talk about why you keep ignoring my invites..." He whispered looking back over to Ciel with his glassy eyes shining. The young earl sighed slightly annoyed. "I ignore them because last time i was there you tied me up in your room to try and make me stay.". The blonde giggled at the thought seemingly happy again "i....guess since you're can..stay a night...?" Ciel forced out to try and make him happy. Alois' eyes widened and sparked before he cheered and jumped up, twirling around the room, before pulling Ciel into another hug. 'What have i done....'

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