Chapter 23-

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Chapter 23-

"Okay, everyone know the plan?" I whisper as we all stand outside my grandfather's office. Everyone nods. Yeah, I know. Someone could come by and they wouldn't miss us. I mean, EVERYONE'S here. But Josh put an invisibility spell on all of us.

"Are you sure we're invisible?" Sera asks. She looks down at herself, waving her hand in front of her face.

Josh nods. "I'm sure."

"Okay, so let's split up." I nod to everyone and we split up into groups. Josh walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. He give's me a quick kiss before whispering "Be careful". Then he walks off to stand next to Lexi, Jonah, and Luke. They're to walk around in the halls, invisible. And if they see someone, they're supposed to keep them busy.

I gesture for the next group to follow me into the office. Before I even touch the door handle, the door swings open. Cool, is this like a new power or something? I make sure everyone's inside before the door shuts back with a firm "click". I nod to everyone as I look around for something secret. He must be hiding something...

Everyone looks around with me as I check the bookshelf. Besides a few very boring looking text books, I don't see anything.

"Hey guys!" One of the voices around me hisses. "Check this out!"

I turn to face what everyone's looking at.

It's a wall.

"Umm.." I say, not understanding what's so important. "It's a wall."

"You don't see it?" Ellie asks, still looking at it.

"Ummm... No..." I squint my eyes and tilt my head to the side a bit. Still, I don't see anything.

"This wall was spell protected..." Nalin whispers.

"I thought only Josh had that power..." Claire whispers. They each seem puzzled, but not as confused as me. What the heck are they talking about?

"Wait. So what's going on?" I ask, still trying to see what everyone else sees.

"Only a Magician could have done this..."

"A Magician? Like with fake magic? Is Josh a magician?"

Sera shakes her head. "No, a Magician with real magic. I've only read about them. Very rare. Josh isn't a Magician. He's Spell Caster."

I sigh. Obviously I'm not going to understand any of this.

"The difference?" I ask, my impatience showing in my voice.

"Magicians are very VERY rare. No one really knows what all they can do, they're so rare. Spell Casters are sorta rare too, but not that rare." Samantha answers, trying to think of a good way to explain it. "Spell Casters can't do THAT much."

"So, my grandfather's a Magician?" I ask. Some people nod, others shake their heads. They all look confused. So, to simplify it, they have no clue.

"So, how are we going to get in?" Caralynn asks.

"Get in where?" I ask. Just then, we all hear a creaking. I turn towards the door, thinking somehow someone's gotten in here. But then I realize the creaking isn't coming from there. It's coming from the wall.

"Hide!" Jonathan hisses, gesturing madly. Everyone jumps in a different direction. I don't get out of the way in time as the wall opens up.


In the process of writing the next chapter! And sorry if this was bad... I have bad writer's block :P

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