Chapter 29-

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Chapter 29-

The people disperse, each splitting up into groups as the Darkness descends on us. Jezebel shows up next to me, smiling. I dodge a punch from her before throwing a fireball at her. She catches it, turning it dark green like the other. She throws it at me but I duck. It hits the school behind me. I can't stop it as it spreads. I get hit in the back from behind. I suck in a breath as I drop to the ground. She summons some sort of spikes made of darkness. They shoot downwards into me, but I'm not there. I sink into the ground, invisible. I come up behind her, blowing her forward with my air. When she turns back around, I'm not there again. I start to run away from the school moving between people fighting. I see most of the students are fighting against two people.

"Going somewhere?" Jezebel smirks in front of me. I don't stop running as I tackle her.


3rd Person POV-

"You ready to give up yet?" Reaper laughs as Josh shoots fire at him again. Reaper just teleports behind him, driving a quick punch into Josh's stomach.

"You traitor! You used to be good! What happened?" Josh asks, jumping aside as Reaper disappears again. Josh quickly takes his bow out, trying to find where to aim his arrow.

Reaper's voice is projected around in the trees, making Josh struggle to figure out where he is. It seems he's everywhere.

"I am good. I'm much better than I was when I didn't have these powers. I'm stronger. This is who I'm supposed to be!"

Josh shakes his head. "This isn't who you are, Xavier."

"Don't call me that!" Reaper yells, reappearing in front of Josh. Josh's arrow flies, barely missing Reaper's arm as he teleports again.

"Good job, Josh. You know how to get to me." Reaper laughs, his good mood back again.

"How would Sarah feel if she saw you now. She was our best friend."

"Sarah would have joined the Darkness. She would have known it was the right thing to do."

"Xavier, come on." Josh tries one last time.

"Sorry, Josh. I'm done talking." He reappears behind Josh. "Time to die."


Ellie ducks as the boy before her throws his knife at her. Lexi gives up trying to control him and catches the knife. When the boy then reappears before her, she stabs him in the stomach with it. He groans before shaking his head and laughing.

"Yeah, that really hurt, sweetheart." He laughs, pulling the bloody knife out of him. Before Ellie and Lexi's eyes, the bloody hole in is closes up.

"Sadly, sweetheart, you can't do that." He smirks as he wipes the knife off. Then he suddenly swipes the knife towards her. But Lexi's turned into a large dog, running away from him. Ellie spreads her wings quickly, shooting into the night sky.

"Fly, Lexi!" She screams from the air as Lexi turns back into herself.

Lexi glances fearfully at the sky, shaking her head as tears spring to her eyes.

"I-I can't," She whispers.

"Poor little girl. Can't fly because of some fire?" The boy chuckles.

"H-How'd you know that?" Lexi asks.

"We see everything." He laughs. "Don't worry. I won't kill you yet. I'm only having some fun. This is only the beginning. Soon, you'll all be destroyed."


Sera flies to the side, dodging a dark spike and throwing another fireball. The girl below her laughs like all this is some game. Nalin quickly makes thorny rose bushes surround the girl. They briefly think they've gotten her trapped when the vines turn black and fall, dead, at her feet. Sera switches from fireballs to knives quickly. While the girl chases Nalin, Sera aims expertly at her, throwing multiple knives at a time. But the girl does that weird transporting thing that it seems all the Darkness can do. Each time a knife is about to slash into her, the girl transports again.

Finally, she transports in front of Nalin, making him run into her. Sera's hands blaze with flames of fury as the girl grabs Nalin. Faster than she's every gone before, she tucks in her wings and drops. She goes almost as fast as a bullet as she drops on top of the girl, knocking her out for a moment.

"Come on!" Nalin grabs her hand, pulling her into the outdoor maze. Sera follows behind as Nalin makes everything grow over, making it almost impossible to walk. They finally stop as they make it to the middle, breathing hard.

"Is she following us?" Sera asks, hugging her stomach. Despite their training, that's the most she's ever run.

"I'm not sure." Nalin whispers, trying to control his rapid breathing.

"Did you see the way she was laughing? It's like this whole thing is a game instead of a fight to the death."

Nalin nods, remembering the way the girl seemed to play with them as if she were a cat and they were the mice. "I don't think they have any orders to kill. They're waiting for something that'll take care of us all. But what?"

Sera shakes her head. "I don't know, but we have to get out of here."

Suddenly, the girl's there. She has herself wrapped around Nalin, a knife at his neck. Sera lunges forward, but the girl transports away.

"Nalin!!" Sera screams out to nobody, trapped in her nightmare.


Jonah examines the boy as he fights Jonathan. He glances at the girl, too, as Caralynn leads her closer to the small pool. As much as Jonah tries to get in the boys head to figure out his powers or copy them, it's almost like there's a tower around it. Every time he tries, he's met with a brief stab of pain to his temple.

A girl's cry makes Jonah look quickly to his left. Caralynn is smiling triumphantly from where she has the Dark girl trapped in a whirlpool. She flicks her hand once more before tackling the boy. She wraps him in water, freezing it. Jonah walks forwards as Caralynn rolls her eyes.

"Can't trust boys to do anything. If you want something done right, ya gotta do it yourself." She mutters, admiring her handiwork as the boy screams and curses. Jonathan seems annoyed that Caralynn took out both of them.

"I could've taken him..." He mutters.

Jonah just rolls him eyes at the both of them before walking towards the boy frozen in ice.

"What's you name?" Jonah starts out, trying to get in his head again.

The boy stops shouting and smile sickeningly. "Still trying to get in my head? Sorry, but it won't work. And the name's Ethan."

Ethan? Jonah thinks. An evil dude named Ethan? Yeah, he sounds real evil.

"Who are you working for?" Jonah asks.

"The Master, of course." Ethan says like it's obvious.

"Is this Master here?"

"Of course not. No one ever sees him."

"Ever think he knows the Dark is going to lose and he's just using you? That he's too scared to show up himself?"

Ethan laughs. "Oh, we have a plan. The prophecy will come true. You will all die in the hands of one of your own. Just wait."

'You will all die in the hands of one of your own'. Those words echo in Jonah's ears, making a chill climb up his spine. He knows what's going to happen.

He turns around without warning and starts running in the direction that seems right. If he doesn't hurry, they'll all die. Just like in his vision.


I have a very important author's note~~

I'm very sorry if your character wasn't in this chapter. I'm going to put them in the next. Also, please give me some time to write the next chapter. It requires some planning to make sure everyone's in it and it actually makes sense. It's very difficult to write like this so as I sad before, please give me a little time. If you have any questions or requests, you can private message me. I may not be able to do all requests but I can try.

Thanks! Please vote and comment:)

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