The Beginning

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"Naughty, naughty boy." Her silky smooth voice runs over Alec. His shoulders visibly tense at her words. His occupied hand tightens, causing the man's knuckles to go white.

"Now what in the world could you be using your bow for at such an hour?" Her voice gets louder, Alec can feel her getting closer with each word.

His back stays to her, hand not leaving the weapon. His free hand is at his side, a fist drawn up. He knew he would get caught, in no reality could he pull this off without getting caught. Thankfully, it's not someone he needs to worry about...too much.

"Why are you back so late?" Alec questions, searching for something to use against her. Searching for some way to free himself.

"The mission took a bit longer than expected. Cleo got a bit banged up, but she'll be fine." Her breath is now touching Alec's neck, making his hairs stand up. "But on the other hand, stealing weapons is so unlike you. So why are you doing it?"

"Leave it be ." Alec throws over his shoulder, almost turning his head all the way.

"It's for that girl, isn't it? Valentine's daughter?" She asks, her body suddenly becoming rigid.

The silence that fills the sleeping Institute is all the answer the girl needs. "She can't be trusted." It's nothing more than a whisper into Alec's shoulder.

"I know, but Jace can't seem to get that through his head. How do you know that she's his daughter?" Alec tries to turn around and face the girl that discovered him, but she pushes him forward, stopping him from doing so.

"I have my ways." Alec's stays slightly bent over from her hands, just resting there, waiting. the girl seems to be thinking about something, and he dares not interrupt her.

"I'm coming with you."


"Izzy? I got you're text. Where are we exactly?" Alec asks as he walks up the stairs, bow held over his shoulder.

"It's an old meatpacker service entrance. We can go back--Karma?!" Whatever Izzy had meant to say is cut off by the appearance of a black-haired woman walking behind Alec.

"Surprise. You really think I'd let you do this alone?" Karma smiles, her hands out in fake enthusiasm. A Seraph blade in her hand while the other reaches out to pull Izzy into a hug.

"I thought you were on a mission?" Isabelle takes a step back and smiles, looking at the state of the girl.

"You look like you need to sleep for a decade."

"And somehow I still look better than you." Karma shoots back, making Izzy giggle and flip her hair.

"Why are you here?"

"Valentine's daughter, a mundane stolen by vampires, a spike in demonic activity. Why wouldn't I be here?" Karma asks like it's the simplest question in the world.

Izzy just shrugs and smiles, Alec signs and gets them back on topic. "So are we the distraction so Jace can get the mundane?"

"Basically ya, we need to go through his underground door. They won't even see us coming." Izzy smiles and walks with Karma and Alec.

"Ok." Alec's answer is bland and antagonizing, Karma shoots him a look that he shrugs off.

"Ok? It was hard work interrogating Meliorn to get this intel."

"Great job Izzy, you have fairy dust on your dress." The girl smiles at looks at Karma.

"I don't even want to know." Karma smiles and walks into the Vampire Hotel with the two.

The Death of Us (Shadowhunter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now