Part 55- On my way

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I feel like my thoughts are everywhere. But at the same time, nowhere to be found.
Some are in my head, some are just floating around.
Some are just non existing.

You know that feeling you get after you wake up from anesthesia?
Well if you do then you know exactly what I am talking about.

For a split second you think you're waking up from a nap and then next thing you know all the thoughts and memories come flooding back.

You just feel and remember everything all at once.
And for a split second you feel like your head is going to explode and all you want to do is go back to the state you were in before you remembered everything.
But you know it's not possible and that you have to deal with your life.

I take a minute to analyze everything that was going on.
What happened, what's happening.
Where I am. Who I am.
It all came back like a flood. My head feels like it's going to explode and eyes feel like they're going to pop out my head at any moment.
This ringing in my ears won't stop and ugh what is that taste in my mouth.

"It'll all be okay in a minute. It's a lot to handle I know. You'll be okay." I hear this voice say to me.
As if I need more noise right now.

"What in the hell did you do to me." I scream at the top of my lungs as I lunge towards Trek fury burning in me.
"I didn't do anything you didn't agree to." He says as he quickly backs away.
"You erased my fucking memories? Are you serious?"
"I needed to, you were losing your focus, you need to understand."
"How long has it been?"
"What?" He asks as if I was speaking another language.
"You heard me" I yell as my hands start shaking."How long has it been Trek?"

"About a month or so." He so nonchalantly replies.
"A month?" I feel my legs trembling under me. I might pass out. Or die. Or kill someone. I do not know what's happening right now.

I've been away from him for a month now?
Oh my God.

"Is he okay?" I cry out.
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know, is he alive?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes.
"I had received word he was still alive. I do not know anything else about the topic."

You're okay. Shawn is okay. Everything is okay.

"I needed to erase your memories for you to give your all in this training and you did. It worked."

It did work. I can feel it in my body, this energy I have never felt before.
And I like it.
I like how it feels.
It feels like I can take a whole army out by myself.

"I'm going back."
"No you're not. You're still not ready you haven't fully finished your training yet."
"To hell with that. I'm as ready as ever. I'm going back"
"Listen to me Skylar. I'm telling you, if you want any chance or hope that you'll be able to do what you need to do, you need to finish your training. We didn't work this whole month day and night only to throw everything away. I gave you your memories back for you to have the push you needed to finish training, not for you to give up on it when it's almost done."
I stare at him with a blank expression on my face.

I can't get myself to agree with him.
Yes I know he might know better than me.
And yes okay he does have a point but I physically cannot keep myself here, I need to go back and see Shawn. Does he seriously think after all that's happened I can just stay?

"Please Skylar, listen to me, what's one more week? You will finish your training and I promise you I would even encourage you to go back.
But without your powers at full force you're vulnerable to anything and anyone. Do you understand?"

I hesitate.
"Yes." I nod.
"Good. We have a lot to do, but for now you need to rest and tomorrow we pick up from where we left. I need you in the perfect headspace for this."

Trek turns and goes to his tent.
Yes he's right, before I go back I need to finish training. I can't go back before I am ready for anything that can be thrown towards me.

Well good thing I feel ready then huh.

I wait for him to reach his tent. And I start my way back. Rest my ass.
I am not waiting another day.
My blood is boiling and revenge will be mine,
Everyone and everything that even had a part in Shawn getting hurt, they're going to pay.
Blood will be shed.
But trust me this time, it's not mine. It's not Shawn's.

The road back shouldn't be that long. I know exactly where I'm going.
And I know exactly who I'm going to face first.
Them assholes better be ready, cause little did they know,
Love is a bitch.

His possession | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now