Memory pt.6

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Luke had fainted due to his breakdown earlier, it really drained him of energy. His panic attacks and mental breakdowns were getting worse by the minute. It had been nearly two hours before the poor boy awoke and his eyes scanned the room. He wasn't quiet aware with his surroundings. Luke's eyes averted towards the letter beside his bed and he stared at the messy writing on the envelope. His attention was then put on the wall in front of him. All he could hear was voices in his head telling him to do crazy things. The poor boy was mental. He quickly took all of the wires, tubes, and machines off of him, causing the them to erupt with loud beeping noises, before sprinting down the hall. All of the nurses raced to Luke's room before they realized he had escaped.

He had never felt so alive before. It was like no one could stop him. He was going to escape and nobody could stop him. Luke soon reached the elevator and he pushed the buttons in a rush before the door opened revealing, Ashton. Luke quickly looked at the curly haired boy before his eyes and sent him a glare. The boy then stepped out of the elevator and engulfed Luke in a hug. This simple gesture caused Luke to go ballistic. He pulled apart from the boys embrace and curled up into a ball screaming at the top of his lungs. The only words that left his mouth were "You ruined us" and he kept repeating them. Ashton was very scared at the sight of his best mate curled up in a ball having a mental breakdown. Soon nurses, doctors, Michael, Calum, and Isabelle arrived at the scene. Tears filled the eyes of the little girl at the sight of her daddy screaming like a mad man. She was scared and just wanted to be in his arms. A doctor had come forward and gave Luke a shot putting him in a deep sleep. They then carried him into the room leaving Calum, Michael, and Isabelle, all alone with Ashton.

Calum sent Ashton a dirty glare before speaking,

"What the fuck is your problem man? You think you can just walk in here to visit Luke when you know what you did? Your pretty fucked up! Your the cause of THIS, his mental breakdowns, and panic attacks! You know how long he has been in here? Huh? A whole fucking week! And NOT ONCE have you come to visit him! Your fucking sick! God I can't stand you, walking in here like your the shit! Well I'll have you know your not! So why don't you get your pathetic ass out of here and go pity someone else!"

And with that Ashton walked out of the building, tears streaming down his face. It was then that he knew, what he did was unforgivable and he had lost a great friendship with one of his best mates.


Three hours had passed and Luke was still knocked out. Michael and Isabelle were cuddled up on the couch in the room while Calum fell asleep on the chair in the corner. They were all sound asleep until, Luke began to stir. His eyes quickly shot open and he let out a shaky breath, causing them all to wake up. Isabelle quickly got up and jumped into her daddy's arms before, Luke pushed her off causing her to cry. Michael then got up and cradled her in his arms. Luke sent him a look of confusion before saying,

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in here?"

Calum's eyes filled with tears at the words that fell out of Luke's mouth. He quickly got on his feet and grabbed Luke's hand, but he only jerked it away.

"I'm Calum. And that's Michael. And the little girl is your daughter. Me and Michael are your best buds."

Luke then bursted into tears causing his monitor to go off. Minutes later nurses and doctors came into the room, dragging the three out once again.


30 minutes had passed and they were waiting in the waiting room before a nurse asked to speak with them.

"Excuse but are you here for Mr.Luke Hemmings?" She said and they only nodded.

"Hi I'm Rachel. I'm very sorry to tell you this but, Luke has been diagnosed with Amnesia. I know it seems pretty-----."

After those words fell from her mouth, they couldn't hear anything else. They were in a complete an utter daze. Luke had Amnesia and there was nothing they could do about it.

Amnesia ~ lrhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang