Memory pt.12

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A/N it's the same day, where Jessiyln gets hurt.

3:30 AM

Ashton was asleep on his couch when his house phone went off, causing him to jolt awake with wide eyes. He lazily got up, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, before reaching for the phone and answering it. A voice erupted from the other end and he let out a loud groan.

"Is this Mr.Irwin?"

"Yes." The curly haired boy responded groggily.

"I'm so sorry to wake you up early in the morning, but we have your friend over here, Jessiyln and we need you to come down to the station---"

And with that Ashton responded with a quick okay before running out of his house in nothing but his plaid pajama pants and a black muscle tee, forgetting to put on shoes.

4:15 AM

Ashton finally arrived at the station, running inside frantically. Once he got inside he spotted Jessiyln sitting in the corner rocking back and forth sobbing loudly. He quickly walked up to her and wrapped his muscular arms around the fragile girl.

"It's okay, Jess. Everything is going to be alright. What happened baby-girl?" The curly haired boy asked the her, but she only buried her head into the crook of his neck.

They were soon interrupted from their intimate moment by a police officer tapping Ashton's shoulder.

"Can I please speak to Jessiyln please, Young man you may accompany her."

The two quickly stood up from their position, Ashton giving the petite girl a quick hug before guiding her to the police officers office. They all took a seat before the big question was popped.

"Jessiyln, what happened?"

The girl quietly broke down in tears before telling the story beginning with her and Luke's wedding.

~an hour later~

By the time Jessiyln finished her story, she was a mess, shaking and crying. Ashton sat their completely horrified as to what just happened to the poor girl just hours ago. He mumbled a few profanities under his breath before the police cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm sorry Ms.Jessiyln. The good news is we were able to catch the man and he is going to be put in prison. His name is Johnny Owens. The guy will be spending a lot of time in there so no need to worry. You are free to go."

The two excited the station, holding hands as a friendly gesture, although Ashton thought otherwise. They both got into the car and the curly haired boy sped off still mad about the situation.

"Ash, please calm down. I'm sorry this happened and I know you care, but please you are scaring me."

"No Jess! Can't you see? Some random bastard took advantage of you and your just okay with it? That's so wrong. I care for you so goddamn much, but your too blind to see!" Ashton said while angrily gripping the wheel tightly causing Jessiyln to flinch.

"I do see, Ash. I really do and I appreci----"

"Goddammit Jess! I fucking like you. I always have even when you were with Luke! And I feel horrible for breaking you and him up, but I can't help the way I feel for you. I always try to help you, but it's like you don't even notice. And the sad part is I keep trying, yet I still can tell you love Luke. I guess I'm just not good enough and I'm sorry."

A tear trickled down the poor boys face, but he quickly wiped it away before Jess noticed. A moment of uncomfortable silence soon filled the air causing Ashton to whimper. He truly messed everything up, at least that's what he thought.

"Oh Ashton don't cry." Jess said while reaching over and rubbing his arm, but he yanked it away causing Jess's heart to slightly break.

"Don't." He said anger laced in his words, shooting daggers into the girls eyes. Jessiyln then nodded pulling away, looking straight ahead at the road before her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"But Asht--"

"Jessiyln I sai--" the curly haired boy turned towards the girl before he heard the honking and it was too late to swerve to the next lane.


hoped you liked it. I promise I'll update soon. Besides mine and Luke's birthday is coming up on the 16th! So I'll be sure to update on that day!



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