001 | Its Penelope's Life

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Penelope Metcalfe practically grew up in Emmerdale, she loved it and made friends almost immediately after moving in, Lucy Spencer was her best friend, she was her person, the one she could always rely on, the one who she knew would never judge her, then their was Eden Dingle who was Chas Dingle's daughter, Eden was the Lively one always getting into trouble but that's what made her, her. next was Claudia Dingle, now I know what your thinking is Eden and Claudia sisters, well they aren't, Claudia is Debbie Dingle's oldest daughter and is really stubborn, she always stands her ground sometimes it's not a good thing but Penelope loves her friends.

Penelope was also friends with Amelia Spencer, Noah Dingle and Sarah Dingle, Gabby Thomas and Liv Flaherty. Noah is Penelope's boy best friend, he's a year younger than get but they are so close, if you ask Penelope she would tell you that Noah gives the best hugs, they both trust each other with all their secrets too which is what anyone wants in a friendship.

Penelope's POV

"Dad I'm going round to Lucy's, we're going to be doing our Drama homework" i said to dad as grabbed my homework from the side.

"Be back by 5" dad said.

"I will dad. Love you" I said giving my dad a kiss on the cheek, dad was probably going to be in the shop this afternoon unless Victoria is in today, she often works in the shop for dad if needed, she also helped Marlon in the pub cooking the food.

"I love you too Nellie, be good" dad said giving me a kiss too and I smiled.

"I'm always good dad" I smirked, we both knew I wasn't always good

"Keep yelling yourself that" dad laughed. I grinned before I left to head to the Spencer household. On my way their maybe I should tell you abit about myself.

Well as you know my name is Penelope Sapphire Metcalfe, people mostly call me Nellie, Noah calls me Penny but he's the only one allowed to call me that otherwise I'll have your head..

I am the adopted sister of Jacob, Jacob is 12 at the moment which makes him 2 years younger than me, he can be so annoying but obviously I love him like a real brother and I am also the half sister of Amba, Amba is 2 years old, she's on the terrible twos at the moment even though she's just turned 2, when she's staying with dad she likes to mess with my homework, not that I leave it out for her to scribble on, I leave it for only a couple of minutes to either get a drink, go to the toilet or if dad or Tracy asks me to do something and I come back to it being scribbled on, I've gotten into trouble a few times because of it but it's not my fault.

My mum died about a month before my 5th birthday and not long after that Dad and I moved to Emmerdale village and I am so glad we did, I don't know what relatives I have on mums side but I have a grandad on my dad, Eric Pollard. My grandmother died not long before my mom but I don't remember her, not much, I see photos of her but I don't want to ask dad about her because I don't want to upset him.

When im older I would love to be a dance teacher or an author, I have dozen of half written novels in my room but they aren't that good if you ask me.

What else do you want to know? My favourite food, favourite colour?

Well if you do my favourite food is either chicken supreme or strawberries, two completely different things but I love them. My favourite colour is a hard one, I don't really have a favourite colour, I like all colours apart from green, I don't like green at all.

I think next I should tell you my friends, I'll start with Noah Dingle. Noah and I are a year different in age, I'm older though but Noah likes to pretend he is, Noah was probably my second friend in the village, I was 5 or 6 and I was riding my bike around the village and accidentally rode into him, we both then have been as thick as thieves since then, we both get into trouble together; dad thinks he's a bad influence on me but he's far from it, I guess you could say that he is like a little brother to me.

Next is Lucy Spencer, she's my best friend in the whole world, she's my person, the one who no I know I can always rely on, she makes me laugh when I just want to cry, we both love a lot of the same things and we've promised each other that we would always be their for each other and we always will be. Lucy has a younger half sister, Amelia Spencer she's 4 years younger than her but they are still so close.

So who's next... next I think is Claudia Dingle, Claudia is stubborn, loud and outgoing, she is almost always in detention at school but she has the kindest soul, she is always their for the ones she loves and cares about, I do the same, I've pushed my friends out of the way I'd a car before which Dad said is stupid because it could have killed me but I couldn't let my friends get hurt, I'd rather it be me than them

Next is Eden Dingle who is basically my twin, apart from being in different family's, we're born on the same day, in the same year, the only difference is the time we were born, I was born at 2:39pm while Eden was born at 2:15pm which makes her older than me by 24 minutes if my maths is correct; we like to joke that we were twins but separated at birth even if we didn't have the same parents

Now is my newest friend, Olivia Flaherty or as she prefers Liv, she's Eden's half sister and she's older than Eden and I by 4 months but she's funny, she's just moved in with Aaron and although we've not long met she's became one of my best friends.

Well I guess that's all we have time for especially because I have no idea what else to tell you, you'll find out whatever you want to know in the rest of my story

All I can say is buckle up...

It's going to be one hell of a ride


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