002 | Drama Homework

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"Hey penny! What you doing tonight?. Mums going to Cain's tonight" Noah asked as he caught up to me as I wandered through the village, I took a detour to the spender household so it was taking me abit longer than it really should have to get their.

"I don't think my dad would be happy me coming over when theirs no adults home, as much as I would love to spend the night with my best friend you know what my dad is like" I sighed and Noah nodded, he knew how protective dad was of me.

"Your dad is so protective of you" Noah nodded

"I know, it's annoying sometimes but he's only protective because he cares" I shrugged simply before I came up with a idea.

"I have a idea, two weeks time, dad is going away for the weekend with Tracy" I smiled thinking for a moment,

"I we could throw a party Friday night and spend the weekend together?" I suggested with a grin on my face.

"But we don't tell my dad otherwise he'll make sure to stop it and make sure you don't tell your mum, Debbie or Chas, because we are inviting Lucy, Eden and Claudia and if any of our parents find out then this party will be a no" I said to my best friend as he walks beside me.

"A party sounds great, we can talk about it at school Monday" Noah smiled and I nodded in agreement.

"Right I best get off, Lucy and I have homework to get done for drama and it's going to take some time" I sighed

"Have fun" Noah laughed giving me a quick hug before watching me head up the path to the door of the Spencer household. I shot Noah a small smile before knocking on the door

"Come on in, Lucy is in her room" Kerry said answering the door once I had knocked.

"Thanks Kerry" I smiled, I headed up the stairs and knocked on Lucy's door

"Come in" I heard Lucy's voice and I opened the door and walked in.

"It's moi, your life just got a million times better" i grinned as I enter my best friends room as if I was just appearing on stage, Lucy and I both broke into a fit of laughter.

"You an idiot" Lucy laughed

"I know" I laughed happily

"Right we better get on with this homework," I said once the pair of us had composed ourselves.

"Yeah, we don't want to fail. Mr. Jordan is choosing two pairs to preform for the talent evening before summer!" Exclaimed Lucy and I nodded, I already had two parts in the talent evening with my dance group from after school one of the dances was a solo about a girl who looses her mother at a young age and the whole group which is about a girl who has cancer and her friends and family love her and in the end she dies; our teacher gave me the main part so if Lucy and I get this for drama I'll have a busy night.

"We have to prove ourselves. But I am worried that if we get chosen I'll mess something up as I've got two dances on the night" I admitted to my best friend who rolled her eyes.

"You Penelope Sapphire Metcalfe don't have to worry, you remember dance routines more than anything, you are incredible and Talented. Trust me Nellie" Lucy smiled to me while we just looked at our school work.

"Thank you Lu! You really know what to say when im not feeling to great" I smiled over to my best friend.

"I am great aren't I" lucy laughed.

"So shall we get on with our work?" I asked knowing we best get on with our school work

'Two girls find out they were separated at birth one was brought up with a rich family, one in care,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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