Sad Bandu(?)

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Bandu cried for hours, and hours until his throat got sore to the point he can't cry any further, after he had calmed down from what had happened before, he wiped his tears and began searching for something that could truly cheer him up.

Well well, to his surprise, he found a pit full of colorful balls! His eyes lit up and he let out a big "YIPPEE!", he looked around in excitement just to make sure if there are other things around, and looked back at the pool, he wagged his lil butt and prepared to jump.

"Ouugh-" exclaimed the cheerful Bandu, he felt like something was grabbing him by the leg.
"THAT MY POOL! HOW DARE YOU JUMPING!" a short little guy shouted.
Bandu's face turned from pure joy, to a terrified and guilty face. Bandu looked at Bambi's aggressive pout and he lets out a quiet "Sowwy..." "I CAN'T HEAR WHACHU SAYIN', YOU SAY AGAIN!" Bambi yelled. Bandu bawled "SORRY!!!!", everything around them was shaking like a small earthquake, Bambi lets Bandu go by throwing him against the ground. "Owwie.... That hurt! :(" said the weeping Bandu, "NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN!" Bambi exclaimed. Bandu left Bambi's ball pit pool and continued crying.

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