Luna's First Signs

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Luna stares out her bedroom window, looking at the full moon. She looks at her clock on her wall: 9:37 pm. Luna stares at the moon again but depressed. {whimpers}
(Why can't it be midnight already?!) Luna thought.
She stopped growling as soon as she heard her mum walk up the stairs and head towards Luna's room. Luna hurries and jumps on her bed and got out some paper so her mum thinks she is still doing homework.
"You're STILL not done with homework?" Said Luna's mum.
Luna shook her head and said, "No I'm still working on math."
Luna's mum sighs. "How about you take a break and eat your dinner. We fixed it awhile ago but you never came down." Her mum said.
"Ok. I'll be down in a minute. What did you fix me anyway?" Luna said.
"Steak with gravy. Your favourite!" She said and winked at Luna.
"YUM!!" Luna said in excitement. She put her 'homework' away and went downstairs to get her plate to eat it in her room.
"Whoa! Don't think you're gonna eat in your room, young lady!" Said Luna's dad.
"Why not? I always eat in my room. Well at least mum lets me eat in my room all the time." Luna said.
Her dad sighs, "Well if your mum said its ok then whatever. Just clean after yourself alright?"
Luna rolls her eyes and says, "Yeah, yeah." And goes up in her room. As soon as she got to her room, she felt something strange. She hurried and set down her plate, and looked at the clock. 11:50 pm.
(WHAT?! How could about 2 hours pass that quick?!) Luna thought. She only has 10 minutes to control everything and hide it from her parents.
"No no no no....." Luna whispered to herself. She hurried and ate her dinner and ran downstairs.
"Night mum! Night dad!" She said as she put her plate in the sink and hurried back upstairs.
"That was odd. She doesn't normally be in such a rush like this." Luna's mum says to her dad in question.
Luna stares at the moon again and opens the window. She steps back and keeps looking at the moon but this time, in a position of a wolf. She looks at the clock: 12:00 am. She jumps out the window. As soon she reached outside, she was no longer a 14-year-old girl. She was a wolf.

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