Chapter 7 - He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother & Saying Special Words To One Another

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(Sorry about the delay, I've been very busy with schhol and moving to a different city. So updates may be a bit more spread out but I will try to keep going. However I would love to see people showing they enjoy the story whether that be with a vote or a comment just the little things like that give more motivation than you'd think, I get back to my comments and am always looking to improve, thanks Minitwine.)

Wednesday 15th August 2019

Jamie POV

I finally get home from training, I Facetimed a certain City player. My smile brightened as soon as I saw her face. "Hey handsome." I said with a light smile on my face.

I see her smile widen as she replies "Hey beautiful," I see her try to hold her laugh it but struggles as I hear a little snicker come out .

"How you doin today little miss Stanners, get any teasing today?" I ask with a chuckle as since Lauren's party Georgia hasn't stopped moaning to me about her teammates teasing her about us, which thankfully I dont have to deal with yet.

On the other end of the phone I hear the lioness give a deep sigh and I watch her roll her eyes and she says "Really Jay that nickname sucks like capital 'S' kinda sucks"

This earns a loud laugh from me as I look back at the girl with a smile I couldn't possibly widen.

"Anyway today wasn't that bad most of the girls who know about me and you talking were asking if you were okay and some of the girls who dont't know I know you asked if I'd seen your interview"

I look down at the mention of it as it once again brings up memories but I dismiss them and look back up at the girl who pauses her sentence to see if I'm okay, to which, I quickly nod as she carries on.

Georgia's tone picks up a caring element to it as she says "I told Keira, Lauren and them lot that your doing as best as you can but they were proud of you but they did tease me about this secret date that somebody still won't tell me anything about"

As she reaches the end of her sentence her sarcastic frustration comes out earning a smile from me as well as from Georgia who I think was happy to change the subject to get my smile back.

I bite back raising my eyebrows with a sarcastic smile "Oh yeah, is that right, well I'll give you a hint, it might be a challenge for you. And as for your teammates I'll message them later."  

I see Georgia's eyebrows arch in thought and I just absorb it through the phone as watching her trying to think was very cute to me.

"I'll let that sit with you, cos I know you won't get it" I say passively moving on to what I wanted to get to. "Anyway, I've got my friends funeral tomorrow so I'll try to call but it might be quite late on if that's okay."

Looking up and seeing the caring look in the brown eyes I've grown so fond of helps settle me down and she nods her head in understanding and makes my heart melt by saying.

"Doesn't matter what time you phone Jay I'll answer, I wanna make sure your ok" Georgia's voice was very gentle like she was trying to tread carefully, I look into her eyes and try to thank her with a nod hoping to get my point across with it.

Nothing is said for the next few minutes as we just sit on the call looking at each other, our eyes saying more than our tongues ever could and with this staring match I notice something.

A few chuckles escape my lips which gets the City star to let a few of her own out even though she doesn't know what I'm laughing at and in a whiney, laughy voice she says "Whaaaat?"

I rub my hand down my face to help regain my composure and when I do the smile remains with my dimples exposed and I say "That's a nice hoodie that, where didya get it?"

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