Ch 1: Working Hard (Autie's POV)

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I sat upstairs stretching on the cool wood floors. Shannon had worked me harder than usual today. I had to make sure that I'd be on the top of my game this week, as I prepared to go to Hall Of Fame in Vegas. There would be dancers from all over the country, and I was determined to do well.

Reaching towards my toes, I ran my vocabulary words for English through my head. Keeping up with dance and school never failed to interfere with each other. I was constantly reviewing lessons in-between dance classes, while stretching, in the car.

"...Beset, to trouble persistantly. Indolent, declined to exert oneself..." I murmured. Turns out that I became indolent as I abandoned studying to reach for my phone.

Scrolling through my Instagram feed, I noticed that Maddie Ziegler posted something.

Maddie and I knew each other through mutual friends and past competitions together. Her post was a picture of her at the studio, stretching like I was now. The caption read, "Can't wait for HOF next week! Working hard!"

Excited, I commented back, "See you there!" and returned to stretching. Within a few seconds she replied with "Yay! Can't wait!"

It was now 10 o'clock and I took a quick shower and changed into pajama shorts and a tank top. Exhausted, I went to bed and dozed off within minutes.


 And so it Begins! Sorry this first chapter is pretty boring, but you gotta start somewhere! Currently working on the next one :) 

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