Ch 5: The Encounter (Autumn's POV)

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"Vegas, Baby!" Miabella yelled, throwing up her arms in celebration. We all cheered, filing into the hotel lobby behind her.

My entire team was staying at the same hotel this year. It was huge, had five pools, eight restaurants, and a casino! I was on the 14th floor with Sarah and Jessalyn. Tonight I had a master class, my solo, trio and all my small groups tomorrow, finishing the competition with my large groups on Sunday. 

Once settled into the hotel room, I glanced at my phone. It was 3:30, my class was at 4:30. I figured I should start to get ready. Ever since I was little, I've always given myself extra time to stretch and practice before class, I hate feeling un-stretched while dancing.

Sliding down into a deep lung, I heard a loud yell from outside my door. 

"Maddie!" Someone called, followed by muffled stomping on the hallway carpet. 

"I don't wanna talk right now, ok?" Responded another. I could tell it was a girl about my age. 

"Please tell me what's wrong. Was it Miss Abby?"

It took me a moment to process the clues, but I knew that Maddie Ziegler was outside my hotel room. A nearby door slammed. 

I wondered if we'll ever run into each other. After the whole Instagram Autie vs. Maddie thing, that would be a bit awkward. 


Finally stretched and changed into my favorite dance clothes, I stood outside the hotel door waiting for my mom. 

"Mom," I called, tapping my foot impatiently. "We need to go now!"

"Just a second!" She yelled from the other side of the room. "You can start walking down to the lobby, everyones waiting down there." 

"Ok!" I shut the door behind me, and headed down the hallway, lugging my dance bag with me. Swinging open, a door cut me off. 

"Whoa, sorry!" Said a familiar voice... It was Maddie. 

"Oh... hey!" I said a bit nervously. I didn't know what to do. "Are you going to the masterclass?"

She shook her head. "No, I have rehearsals."

I paused. "Too bad. Well, see you tomorrow I guess?" 

"Yeah!" She smiled. "Have fun!"

"Thanks!" I kept walking, relived that our conversation wasn't overly awkward. I bet she didn't even know about the weird Instagram rivalry. 


Really short chapter this time! Make sure to vote/comment if you liked it :)


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