Chapter 4: The healer's guild

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The streets of Rosalis were built with extraordinary care. It first started with the hovels, small and humble. Further in, taller structures marked the way. Elaborate carvings marked on stone surfaces, stories of the healer's guild, the concealment of the soulless beings, and the saving of the masses over the great blue.

Two guardsmen stared at Tanja and her beastly friends, as they walked towards a large stone arch. They then glanced down at Rath and Dante. Surprised by the Adamas Canem, composedly strutting on the side of Tanja's. The guard's composure were disrupted upon looking at the glowed-up wolf.

"No wild beast allowed," one guardsman said.

"He's bonded to the girl. They won't be any trouble," Rath said. He looked up and saw a high tower filled with spotters, observing everyone who moved in and out of the area. Cautious was the word, they should be safe for as long as they maintained the peace. 

The shop signpost, 'Blue Moon,' intrigued Rath from entering but the moans and groans of the villagers were difficult to ignore. Tanja peeked through the cracks and saw some villagers lined up in an alleyway between a stone wall and a tavern. "We won't need to bother them," Rath said. His paws landed on a wooden cart, giving him a better view of the situation.

"Hundreds of them, daily. I could see the Healer's guild making a fortune out of this mess. They bear no feelings for the villagers. Just doing their deeds for the money," Rath continued.

Dante whimpered at the back of Tanja as if he understood the situation the villagers were in. The young wolf had no connections with other humans, but somehow, he understood them better than most humans can. Tanja patted and fondled Dante's fur, attempting to comfort him. Dante saw the smallest hint of a smile playing around her lips while Rath gazed at some doves, pecking out dried-out breadcrumbs that were lying on the cobbled pathway.

A yellow-cloaked man was coming out from the doors down in the alleyway. "Next patient, please," he said. Trying to sort out the current bunch that was clumped up beside the door. The ones returning from the room came out cured but not having the slightest spark of life in their eyes. Their faces were gloomed, their pockets empty, and only a handful of them had a few coins left. Tanja could hear the jingles stronger within the pouches of those yellow cloaks.

Tanja gave a sigh and met eyes with Rath once again. She wanted to explore the area and learn something. The area was just too puzzling for her to comprehend. If the guild was there to help the needy and injured, why does it feel wrong in some ways? The scenery was dreadful, to say the least. Hungry mouths are seen on the children's faces. "The streets of Rosalis were not always like this, they were always generous with the food, and they took great care of their people," Rath said while they walked around the compound, glancing at the suffering beings.

Their group was stopped at a gate. More yellow cloaks were storming in the area. One of them had fair skin and dark almond eyes. An adult man with several years ahead among the others. His body looked plumped, and he wore a yellow cloak with some trimmings on it – different from the rest. He looked them over coldly and shared a quiet whisper among the men that surrounded him.

Tanja and the others tried to move silently, not making a sound or scene. "You girl, the umbra, and the wolfling. Stop right there," the guardsman exclaimed. They then obeyed and stopped at a corner of another turn. Rath noticed that Tanja clenched her leather backpack. He began to think about what they wanted. He worries more about Tanja, but he knows it was the wolf that caught their eyes.

"Declare your business. What are you doing in these parts,"

"We are travellers coming from the forest of Campestres. Will be on our way," Rath replied.

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