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A sigh escapes from Richtofen's lips as he's fiddling with his golden rod... ".... This device just isn't cutting it.." as he lays down the Vril Generator and pulls out his phone. It was drab... Nikolai fell asleep, Dempsey was doing god knows what and Takeo was looking after the crawler. There was nothing to do! 

As the German continued to scroll, an idea conquered his brain...! 

"Hi guys, MrRoflWaffles here!" a new faint voice in his head whispered, "Visit ownaj.com..." Milo chanted in a British accent. No... he wouldn't waste his points for a t-shirt! He would never. But the voice just kept getting louder and louder. "...agh...Fine! If I do, vould you just shut up alveady!?" The doctor erratically spoke to himself as he gained a concerned glance from the Samurai from across the room. "Yeah, sure!" the Brit said in a much more quieter tone.


Richtofen IS That DuckWhere stories live. Discover now