Princess of China CHAPTER-1🎑.

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'As I was preparing for my first horse race in my lifetime,my manager Sia looked worried for me.

[Sia] Your Royal highness please I'm begging you, if your parents finds out, we're totally dead meat later.

[Yui] come on Sia,just watch how fast I'll go here, I've been practicing since last year so I must win this.

[Sia]Yui someone might recognize you here.

'Sia was sweating so hard,I couldn't help myself so I gigled a little.

[Sia] Don't laugh at me your Royal highness, I'm totally gonna die just being worried right here.

[Yui] That's enough Sia,the race is about to start,wish me your biggest luck ever.

[Sia]but your Royal highness!...

'As me and my horse tiara drifted and be the fastest in the race, Sia on the other hand ummm her eyes is big as a pingpong ball now just by looking at me win the race.

Sia ran at me before the media comes and interview me.

[Yui]see, told you I'd win.

[Sia] thank God your safe Yui.

As me and Sia talked the media came out of nowhere and started clicking pictures at us.

[Yui] That's them, time to run.

'Hi I'm Xuan Yui Xiejoon my parents named me Yui even if it is supposed to be a last name according to Japan which means "only,alone,sole"but base on the kanji character use,and I'm one of the Princess in china,and I just hated being part of it,My parents loves controlling my life so much that I hated them for that but after an argument my dad needed to send me to my aunt in Tokyo and God my life there was supposedly great until this worse to lucky incident happen.Well my Parents Made me go to this really lame parties and boring events,but they said it was all for my future one day.My life was literally miserable but I couldn't do something luckily I have my only best manager Sia.


'A day after the Race in our Town.

'I visited my horse tiara on her quarter and fed her some wheat.

[Yui]how does it feel to win a race tiara, isn't it amazing,mygod girl I can't believe we won that race.

'While I was talking to tiara how amazing we won the race,Sia appeard at my back holding bunch of documents on her hands.

[Yui] what's with all the papers Sia?

[Sia] it's not the time to tell you but I'm here to tell you that the king,I mean your dad just called out for you and he want to talk about the race you pulled Yesterday.

[Yui] another argument with dad, I'm so done with this.

[Sia] goodluck and don't try to disrespect him...okay?after all his still your dad.

[Yui]and I'm still her daughter,he also need to respect me,you know the saying,"If you want respect try to respect first".

[Sia] alam kung alam na yan ng dad mo,so you better hurry up,baka maging dragon nanaman Siya.

[Yui] thanks Sia.

'5 minutes later,I was on my parents chamber.

[Xuan Hong]Why can't you just stop living your life Like a normal person Yui?for god's love your a princess.

[Yui]Who care's if I'm a princess,I also want to live my life the fullest.

[Xuan Hong]the media is a having a ball right now, your embarrassing me.

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