chapter 34 obstacles..

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"Jaehyun.. Some people wants to see you at the living room..." Mom.said


Oh no...




I fix my self and went downstairs..

I saw a ... Uhm maybe in 30's two mens.

"Uhm im sorry if we came here.. Without any words.. But we are one of staffs in sment... Were here because mr lee soo man wants to see you ms lee..." The one of men said



Mr lee soo man?

The ..... The ceo of sment..

Oh myy gosh... O__O

"But why?!" I asked

"Because of the news... Yesterday.. He need to clear everything this is for your safetyness too... Ms lee.."

"But..what about exo? I mean...."

"They know about this.. Dont worry.."

Yes they will know about this..

Coz they once involved here...

But.... What about minsoo??

Is she coming too?

Actually i cant contact her since yesterday... -_-

And im so worried about her.. -.-

"Ok.. Sir.. I just change first..."


We headed to mr soo man's office ..

With his secretary...

Her secretary open the door for me i think xD


Exo is here... Even exo manager... I guess..





"Oh.. Ms lee come in.." Mr soo man said..

I came in and bowed 90 degree

"A..anyeonghaseyo.. Lee Jaehyun imnida.."

"I know lee... Now sit there..*point to the vacant couch.*.."

I sat there like a stupid idiot..

Coz im so nervous.. And sweating Even its aircodition ..

" i think we have to clear" He said

"Boys..why ms lee is with you at the shop?!" He ask

"Because sir.. Shes the one who helped us on the girls keep following us.. We decided to eat there.. But bunch of girls notice us.. Even where wearing mask and cup.. Then we ordered.. But we cant eat becoz of the girls sorrounded us.. And shes the owner of the shop.. We ask her if she can join us..." Suho explain



I wish i can move and speak..

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