Bravery amoung the Silent

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"Father! Please do not push yourself!"

"Someone has to care for her job while she's absent!"

"But father-"


Felicia sighed as Taro began to scold her. She seemed saddened, not by her father's tone, but because of how hard Chelsea's abduction had hit him. Not just him, but the entire town. Gannon, Eliza, Mirabelle, Regis and Popouri had all returned and many emotions were thrown around as the news was heard.

Eliza cried for hours on end, wanting no one but Charlie to comfort her. Gannon sprouted nonsense like "I am going to build cannons so powerful, that it'll bring craters to the mainland from our island!"

Lanterns were created each hour by Lana, who was planning this whole. "Welcome home" ceremony for Chelsea when she returned. It was her way of coping with such traumatic experiences, and Sabrina would wander off to the mines with her father, and mine only the most valuable and precious of gems to make the worlds most captivating, and beautiful necklace. All for Chelsea.
Popouri had remained close to Karen and just wept loudly on her shoulder, and Karen? Just took over whatever chores Chelsea had possible. She was determined to lift the spirits of her friends, and restore whatever peace possible back to the island.

"My little truffle! Will you please let me in-"

"Girl locked out pastry boy?"

Pierre gives a brief look over his right shoulder, and notices Shea towering over him from behind. They stood by Pierre's door, shunned from the inside by his wife. "She locked herself in there after they left, and hasn't seen the brink of day since" the little man explains. Shea tilts his head, not quite understanding what the issue was. Pierre shrugs his shoulders, releasing a deep, audible breath of air.

"Shea is baffled"

"Yes, I suppose you wouldn't understand, would you?" Pierre asks, Shea grumbles.

"Shea is baffled, yet... Understands girl, for everyone copes differently to such sadness" Pierre's eyes widened slightly. "Sorrow you cannot rush, nor push aside. They make you feel.... Like a true human being should"


He chuckles as he lightly pats Pierre on the head, moments before he walked away. "She's in there for a reason!" Shea laughs, waving goodbye as he enter the town. Pierre was left utterly speechless, shock by the foreigner's words spoken.

"Who knew?" he shrugged. "Shea has a vocabulary consisting of the english dictionary".....

When Shea entered the town, a light smile came to his face as he saw the hardworking towns people, plan out a ceremony for their heroine. He approaches Julia who sat quietly on a park bench by Chen's shop. "Lovely day, is it not?" She asks with joy.

Shea sits beside her and agrees. "Yes."

"I have decided to do nothing about this situation, Mr Shea" tells Julia. He raises his chin and gazes intently at the flawless sky. "Good." he answered her.

Julia continues to smile. "She told us to not worry, that she would return, and everything would be alright. I have faith in her words"

He chuckles faintly as he rose from the seat, and glanced down at her. "Believe that she will be safe" he says, taking his leave. "And believe in the men that swore to bring her back"

"Mr Shea!" calls Julia. "I'm sorry we couldn't protect your island as they invaded!"

Shea comes to a steady halt, and grins with his back still facing her. "No." he replies "It was never your island to protect"

With that being said, Shea left to cross the bridge to the west, and enter the jungle which held not only the Goddess's spring, but the home to the Witch Princess also. Shea entered where the church laid, and upon seeing Nathan and Alison there, he asked them to leave. Once they left, he picked up a large stone, and threw it in as an offering.

The water in the spring lifted, as a figure was made from the water which spiralled vertically. From that figure, emerged the Harvest Goddess, who rose with a frown.

"Oh I don't like this at all" she says with a silk like voice. "Chelse-"

"Oi." he interrupts.

The Goddess glanced down, and was indeed surprised to find Shea standing before her. The glow on her face dimmed, and her eyelids became drowsy. "You seem upset"

"Get out of the spring, and go save Chelsea" he says, making his demand. "You are to blame"

"Chelsea is our little heroine. She can save this island- "

"There wouldn't be a need, if you did not do what you did. Your fault." she stares at him, with complete and utter seriousness. She allows a faint sigh to escape from her rose pink lips. Her green strands of hair engulfed her face as the breeze moved it forward.

"Lord Jinoah is a wicked, and evil man" she exclaims. "Lord Yuuki is a fool for following in his footsteps"

Shea laughs. "Was it not for you that he turned out this way?" he asks. "You must right your wrongs, not up to Chelsea"

The Harvest Goddess looks on sorrowfully, not being able to disagree. She gazes to the sky as comfort, as Shea had once done. Then, she looked back to him and smiled. "You are the wisdom of this island" but Shea shook his head.

"Chelsea is the heart of this island, and you are wisdom.. which is why you will make correct choice and help Chelsea protect these happy people"

She laughs and then sighs again. "You are right. I shall right my wrongs, and save my people"

"That you will" he says, extending his arm and holding his hand out to her. "But not alone"

Her eyes were forced to open up wide, as a tear came to them, and rolled down her cheeks. "Shea..." she whispers.

"You... are never alone" he smiles back. "Lets save Chelsea... together!"

She leads Shea into her spring, and continued her smile as the water engulfed them together, pulling them into the depths of the pond. Once that occurred, did the time that once appeared frozen, return back to normal.

To be Continued.
An outdated bond

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