chapter 2: gaypool part 2

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Eren POV

I never thought this day would come; me and some friends ASSISTING ON A SPIDEYPOOL DATE.

The only problem is the person Deadpool left in charge...

"I'm the captain MOTHERFUCKERS!" exclaimed Vaz. This would be TORTURE. "Why are you frowning, Eren? uwu" Femboy Kun asked, wearing a large ass coat around him. I looked at him, wide-eyed, "Vaz is going to give me the worse ROLE just to fuck with me!" Vaz walked by and quickly leaned in to say, "Yes, I will, FUCK YOU!"(a/n (v) :I like to play and Fuck with my friends)

Ariel threw the middle finger at me. "I raised her so well," Vaz says.  Deadpool approaches us, "EVERYONE READY?"

"READY TO EAT," Carnage responds. "Not yet, big boy!" Wade says.

"We're ready," Ariel finally replies. Femboy Kun removes his heavy coat, revealing himself to be wearing a maid dress, he winks, "I'm serving the food!" 

"Fuck you," Vaz says, seriously. He doesn't like my femboy friend. "Okay, father, what am I doing?" Ariel asks. "Hmm, maybe you can set up decorations." I walk up to Wade, "Speaking of which, why couldn't you do this at some restaurant or park or something else, you know? Why are we doing this in your apartment?"

"Oh, that's simple- I want to show off my money 😎" he replies.



If this is what it takes to feed Carnage, then I'll do it. But let it be known that Eren is weird as shit, and is a menace. I am very sure that he has dreamed about this at some point.

"Probably," Carnage says, "He's a horny piece of shit."

"Vaz!" yelled Femboy Kun.

"What the fuck do you want, bitch?"

"Spidey is going to be here soon 🥺 uwu. Do I look ready?" femboy kun said

"you look ugly as shit." I replied.

Suddenly, Deadpool yelled out, "HE'S COMING"

Deadpool then runs behind a curtain before removing his suit.


"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?" Yelled Ariel, covering her eyes. "I'm behind a curtain 🙄" Wade responds. "YEAH, A VERY SMALL SEE THROUGH ONE," I say. I turn to see Eren, wide-eyed, but not in a " WTF " way.

He liked what was happening 😑

Before I even noticed, Deadpool was in a tux. He rushed to find his mask, which he had left behind earlier, and scrambled to put it on as Spider-Man walked in.

"AAaAAA," yelled Eren, rushing to the piano. Femboy Kun ran to his position, tripping over himself. Ariel looked panicked, her decorations weren't up and ready. 

It was chaos.

And I loved it.

Obviously, with his mask on, we couldn't really tell how Wade was reacting. He stood there, looking forward, as Spidey looked around in confusion. "Uhh, hi?" He says. The sad sound of a party horn could be heard in the background. Deadpool backflipped towards Spider-Man, "Hey, Webs!" Peter grimaced, it was so abundantly clear, even through the fabric of his mask. "What's going on?" He asked. "These are my friends!" Deadpool stated. "Sup, Pete-" I'm interrupted by Eren covering my mouth. "Can you shut your pie hole?? We don't know if Wade knows Spidey's identity in this Universe!" he whisper-shouts, glaring.

"Okay... but, uhh isn't this supposed to be a 'date'?," The webbed hero questions. "Oh yes, of course! They're my assistants today!" Deadpool expressed. After introducing us one by one, he motions for Spidey to sit on a comfortable sofa as Ariel brings over a coffee table. "What do you have planned?," Peter asks.

"TA-DA!!," Deadpool yells, pulling a remote out from... somewhere 😏, "A movie!"

"What movie do you have in mind?" Peter asks. "I was going to ask you, cutie!" Deadpool responds. Femboy Kun ( i hate him ) then approaches the the pair.

"What can I get for you two?"

"JUST KIDDING, it doesnt matter

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"JUST KIDDING, it doesnt matter. Deadpool already chose out y'all's dinner- and uhh made it himself?"

Eren POV

As I'm playing piano, and quite honestly sucking at it, I look over to see Femboy Kun "taking orders". It's then that Vaz and Ariel bring out a cart of food. A platter of fruits and veggies, and alongside it, the main dish. Lobster.  Femboy Kun then runs back to the kitchen and bring out another cart, containing strawberry cake, and muffins on the side.

"YUM," I hear Carnage exclaim.

Spider-Man looked astonished - his mask stretched out along with his face, outlining his features. His jaw had dropped. "Deadpool- I..." he starts.

"No need to thank me, I made it for you." He curtseys.

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO EAT ALL THIS?!" Peter says, "I'll probably take a few bites of each before being full!" He stops to think. "But thank you, Deadpool. This is nice. WAIT, YOU MADE THIS?"

"Well, yes, with the help of my trusty assistants here!"

Ariel POV

It's been a few hours since the date ended. Deadpool had thanked us, and Spider-Man had finally agreed that, yes, Deadpool was his best friend. I look back at father as we walk back to his place, and he starts laughing maniacally, out of nowhere. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eren questions his strange actions. "Well, you see, I have a great idea of where we should go next!" He grins.

"Nooo, I wanna chose!" Femboy Kun states. "No, you annoying piece of shit," Father responds,"You and Eren count as one vote, and we already went to your Universe, so it's my turn to pick."

"Damn right!," I hear Carnage's gruff voice say.

"What's your idea, father?" His idea couldn't be that funny, or greatly evil, but if it made him laugh, then I wonder what it could be. Uncle Eren follows up my question, "Yeah, and why is it so funny?" Father looks back at us, grinning. "Are y'all aware of the single worst anime to exist?"

No, it couldn't be.

"An anime so bad, yet so many people cling on to it, as it holds some form of nostalgia." Father says.

"No, you can't mean-" Femboy Kun says, shaking.

"Yes!" Father chaotically answers, with the same evil grin slapped on his face, "THAT anime."


A/N (E) -

guess which anime lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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