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a note from the author

i'm going to put Song of the Forest on hiatus for a bit for plot construction.
This version will still be up and will always be up, even after the rewritten version is published.

thank you for the support and patience! after i have about five chapters, i'll start releasing them in a new story and rename this one "SOTF original".

~rowan <3


i know i said i wasn't going to publish any more chapters on this version, but for plot purposes, I would like to finish or at least write a little further into this draft before I continue the next one too far. so if you want more of the current story, by all means keep reading.

so there will be more chapters coming.

be warned, though, because they will be a mess. maybe more of a mess than the chapters that are already up. i'm going through, like i said, major replotting, so there will be continuity errors. i'm also trying to characterize everyone a little more, give them their own distinct personalities and styles.

that was just a little heads up, and thank you to those who have stuck with this because i know it's one hell of a dumpster fire, and i promise it will turn into something great one day.

rowan <3

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