The distant call

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As time flies by the distant call becomes closer
Ringing in the ear of this little poser
Masking life's woes with a simple pose of a bright smile
As she greets the mirror with her pearly whites,
She's makes the mistake of looking into her eyes
The rope breaks,
The only line that held back the flood gates
As translucent tears stain her cheeks,
She tries desperately to hold back the thoughts that made life bleak and unwanted.
She tries and tries but to no avail the veil has already been broken and now with words unspoken
She calls
Calls out to the distant voice, now clear and gentle
It whispers, telling her of the gifts it brings her
All which would be granted with the simple price of her melancholy life
It's sultry words coil around her sinking it's thorns deeper and deeper into her hearts center
Controlling her thoughts and actions it begins carrying out its actions to obtain the gift it so desires

A poem by Margaret

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