Chapter One

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Present Day

Adrian Alcado

        It was six am and the dorms were silent. Adrian sat on the windowsill, peering over the foggy campus. Just like he'd always done, he took out the screen so that he was able to let his legs dangle outside in the fresh morning air. Adrian wondered to himself it was always foggy.

      Today was his first day back in classes. Summer was officially over and he had returned to Bellātor. As he sat on the windowsill, his thoughts raced through his mind. Is this year going to be the same as every year? Will everything stay as eventless and boring as the last?

       Adrian could hear his roommate quietly snoring on his bed inside their shared room. Adrian was glad to be around Finn again. He'd been very lonely at home during the break. A huge empty house with only the sounds of your own steps echoing throughout the walls. Even away from home, some habits still carried with him. He awoke by six am nearly everyday after becoming so used to his mother waking him up so early. As a kid he hated this but he eventually grew to appreciate the peaceful silence of the world as the sun rose, slowly illuminating the sky.

      A bird flew by, flying awfully close to Adrian, causing him to jump slightly. Now that Adrian was back he could stare out at the castle. The castle was the main building in the campus that everyone referred to as the castle because, well it was a castle. The history of Bellātor was quite convoluted despite the school being founded by Adrians grandfather. Supposedly Bellātor was a school centuries ago but was closed and reopened by his grandfather in 1997. Regardless, Adrian didn't ask his mother questions.

     "Good morning students, this is your headmaster speaking. Students have an hour and a half to prepare for classes. Remember to leave enough time to eat in the dining hall. Class starts at eight."

     Adrian heard his roommate groan. He then quickly climbed back inside the room and placed the screen back in the window. "You're going to have to get up quicker if you want to get to breakfast before everyone else," Adrian commented. He grabbed his book off of his bedside table and flopped down onto his bed.

     "Ugh. Why are you already dressed?" Finn whined as he sat up and realized Adrian was ready for the day. Adrian didn't as much as glance in Finn's direction, already sucked into the book. He ignored Finn's rambling and complains, relieved when he finally shut up to change.

     Once Finn was changed, the two packed their bags and headed out of the dorms to the old pathway leading to the castle. Trees bordered the path, allowing small bits of light to shine through and dance around on the ground as the leaves moved.

     They arrived at the castle doors and walked inside to the familiar bustling of the school halls. The pair stood in line before the front office to receive their schedules before making their way to the dining hall for breakfast.

     After a summer of eating breakfast in the silence of his own house, Adrian hid a small smile, missing the sounds of chatter amongst the students.

     Both Finn and Adrian grabbed breakfast -Adrian a muffin and Finn a full course meal- and sat down at a bench to eat. "What do you have first?" Finn asked as he shoved a mouthful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. Adrian gave him a judgemental look for the excessive amount of ketchup atop his eggs.

     "English," Adrian replied. He stared blankly at his blueberry muffin, realizing that despite being awake for a while now, he still was not hungry.

     "Ah. I've got math," Finn grunted. Finn's specialty in life was complaining. He let out a far too dramatic sigh before he continued to shovel down his breakfast. Adrian on the other hand took his time eating, dragging out the time before he had to aimlessly wander the halls looking for his classes.

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