Chapter 1~(elimination island)

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{Lifering's pov }

I walk with blueberry to the end of the island. He said that it was the only place where we could be alone and talk. As I walked with blueberry I glanced over at him to see that he looked exhausted as if you never slept in years. His back was hunched back and he seemed like he could fall asleep at any moment

"Hey, you alright? You seem.. tired....." I ask him, as his poster doesn't get any better. He looks over to me and shrugs "I'll be alright, for a few more minutes.."

He says, yawning, I give him a confused look "What do you mean by a few more minutes?" I asked

"I'm just exhausted, I just want to fall and die." He says, walking slower than before "you know if you want I can just carry you there and I mean that's if you want" I say offering him my hand. He refuses the offer "If you were to carry you wouldn't know where to go." He said looking at me "Well you'd tell me of course!" I say smiling at him " if we were being real I'd probably fall asleep in your arms and then you wouldn't know where to go, we could get lost and eaten by a bear and die." "Don't be like that bluester besides I'll protect you. That's what a leader does!" I say proudly

"We're here..." He says collapsing onto the sandy beach, I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I look out into the sea "so what do you want to talk about..." I cut myself off seeing that he fell asleep. I sigh looking up into the stars, 'they were brighter than other nights which made them more beautiful. Each one looked different, like a sea full of fish. Each star seemed to have a different personality, just like me and Blueberry.

Even though he's a pretty negative person, something felt different about him. I looked over to Blueberry, sleeping peacefully in the cold sand. He was always so calm and tired. (if I do say so myself) I felt that there was something more to him than meets the eye.

Some people may not see it at first glance but I do.' "Hey could you stop staring, it's... kinda weird" I then came to realize, I was staring at him for quite some time "Oh...sorry I thought you were asleep.." I say, chuckling a little. "You stare at people when they sleep..?" He says, weirded out. "What. no. I was just...." I felt blush fill my face, 'I need an excuse' "I-I was just thinking that you were cold..." I say, wrapping my arms around myself, 'not gonna lie it was cold.' Blueberry then sits up looking over at me. "Oh...I'm fine I guess, why don't we go back to the cabins..." He said getting up from his spot, he then started to walk to the other side of the island. I quickly get up and follow him not too far behind.

We kept walking to the other side where everyone else was, we stayed silent most of the way there, until we heard a faint sound. I then listened in to hear a familiar voice call out to us "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU BOYS UP TO NOW?" It was Tea kettle, "WERE OVER HERE!" I yelled out to her, we then turned the corner and saw Tea kettle, she was yet again angry at us. "Oh you're always getting into trouble, now come on it's time for bed," She said, turning around, and she walked to the cabins that we had.

Blueberry and I followed along. We then walk to our beds. I sit down on them and blueberry collapse in his. Somehow we got our beds next to each other. I'm guessing it's most likely because no one likes him, or thinks he's weird. I lay down covering my body with a soft, brown, and warm blanket.

I flip my body to look over to Blueberry and see he's just laying there. I decide to get up and tuck him in. I place the sheets over his body, he adjusts to his liking. I walk back to my bed and get in my sheets, I slowly start to fall asleep in my bed.

{THE NEXT DAY??!!!}😨

I woke up to a delicious smell, the smell of food made me drool. I get out of bed and walk out of the cabin, I see everyone standing around the picnix table, waiting in line for their food. I get in line like everyone else and wait for my food, I stand there for a good while and wait. Tea kettle then turns to look behind my body. "Where's your friend?" She asks, I as well turn around to see no one else behind me. "I don't know, I haven't seen him all day..."

Blueberry x Lifering story (Star gazing~)Where stories live. Discover now