Is it better to speak or to die? (part 1)

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A/n: happy reading 🤠

Roselyn shut her locker, smiling to herself, daydreaming of those electrifying blue eyes yet once again. She sighed dreamily, her thoughts wandering off further to a certain someone.

She was snapped back into reality though, as a group of girls surrounded her.

She sighed, knowing what was coming.

"Thinking about your little girlfriend again, fag?"

A white blonde girl, Erica said while the rest of them snickered looking absolutely disgusting.

She rolled her eyes.

"Aster's not my girlfriend."

She tried to walk away but Erica blocked her path.

"Getting brave, are we? Don't you dare roll your eyes at me you fat ass."

Roselyn shut her eyes at the name she was called, trying to hold it together.

"You know what Erica? You can't fix yourself trying to break someone else. So please, just stop and leave me alone."

With that, she pushed Erica away walking towards her art class, already being late. As she entered she saw Aster drawing something in her sketchbook, looking as adorable as ever being all focused, with her tongue poking out and her lips in a cute little pout, her brows furrowed and her dimples visible.

She smiled, all the blueness of her mood fading away as she stared at her bestfriend of 5 years and also, the crush she has had since forever.

Her and Aster met in Year 7, both now being in year 11. They were practically inseparable and had shared beautiful memories together.

Roselyn's liked Aster ever since she first met her, those ocean eyes having made her heart skip beats and what can we say, she was so very in love it was pathetic at this point.

She walked over to Aster, sitting down and mumbling a soft hi.

"Hey Rosie, you alright?"

Aster asks, concern in her eyes as she sees how quiet her bestfriend is.

"Yea umm, I'm fine don't worry. Just Erica's usual bullshit you know."

Aster frowns and caresses her best friend's cheeks.

"Hey, don't let her get to you okay? You are perfect just the way you are my pretty little rose."

Aster says fondly while Roselyn's cheeks heat up.

"Thanks, Aster. You always know how to make me smile."

Roselyn's chubby so you know, the classic body shaming and bullying in typical High schools. And the fact that she came out as a lesbian doesn't make it any better.

Roselyn's always been very insecure about her body image, with her being the classic 'shy, quiet nerd' who's way too nice for her own good. Aster's helped her a lot with it but she still struggles with her insecurities, a lot.

Aster frowns sadly, as she thinks about the stuff her best friend has gone through and still does, She really wants to stop it, she can't bear to see a sweet person like her bestfriend so hurt.

Aster has liked Roselyn too, she fell in love with her like you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once.

She wants to tell Roselyn how imperfectly perfect she is, how pretty her stretch marks are, she wants to kiss her chubby cheeks and hold on to those soft warm hands.

She wants to kiss all her insecurities away, she wants to draw stars around her scars, make her realize how beautiful she is. She sighs.

Aster looks at Roselyn who is working on the assignment they were just given, Aster having paid no attention to it.

She looks so perfect, with her warm brown eyes and dark, curly hair falling softly on her shoulders. Her cute button nose and those soft peach lips she yearns to kiss.

The bell rings soon after, making her sigh softly as she stands up for yet another boring class.

Loud laughter and shy giggles can be heard as both girls walk to Aster's house after school, planning to watch Marvel and just chill.

As they reach Aster's room, Aster shuts the door, making Roselyn blush as endless fantasies form in her mind.

"Soo what are we watching Rose?"

Aster asks, handing Roselyn the popcorn bowl and the crisps as she slides into the blanket, scooting closer to Roselyn making her feel giddy.

"Umm you know, just Captain Marvel."

"What? Once again?! Oh come on we've watched that movie like 50 times alreadyy!"

Aster whines and Roselyn tries to protest.

"S-shut up it isn't that many times! Besides, it's a very good movie!"

"Yea yea, whatever, "good movie" sure sure. You just want to oggle at Brie Larson is all."

Roselyn goes red and flicks her best friend's forehead as she laughs at how adorable Roselyn is.

Aster's tummy does a backflip when she feels Roselyn laying her head on her shoulder, her legs tangled up with Aster's and cute little snores coming from her mouth as her pretty eyelashes rest gently on her cheeks.

Aster smiles as she caresses her cheek, patting her hair softly. She gazes down at Roselyn's soft hands, a soft blush tinting her cheeks as she thinks of how warm they'd feel to hold.

Looking at Roselyn, she thinks she's suffered long enough, been a coward long enough. She can't anymore, she doesn't want to. She needs to get it out, tell Roselyn how much she loves her.

The urge to make her hers, the desperation to feel Roselyn's lips on hers, the need of her soft touch and the yearn for her love, it's all killing her softly yet she loves it. She sighs as she wonders, is it better to speak or to die?

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