Is it better to speak or to die (part 2)

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A/n: the story got way toooo long so yep- had to make 2 parts 🤠

Roselyn wakes up half an hour later, eyelashes fluttering and lips forming a small pout as she tries to shake the sleepiness away from her eyes, trying to adjust to the light. She gets up from the bed to go search for her bestfriend.

She walks down the stairs to see Aster cooking some Mac n' Cheese. She waddles over to her bestfriend wrapping her arms around her waist as she lays her head on her shoulder mumbling a soft hi.

"Had a good nap?"

Aster asks stirring the pasta, trying not to break into a grin at how clingy her best friend was acting.

" weren't there."

Aster smiled as she felt a pout.

"Did my little rose want cuddles?"

Aster cooed as she turned off the gas turning to hug her best friend properly.

"Uh-huh! That's the rulee!"

Roselyn whined as she pouted looking up at Aster with her big brown eyes which made Aster melt.

"I needed to cook for my little rose didn't I? How about you stay the night sweetheart? You'll get lots of cuddles then, I promise."

Aster said softly, kissing Roselyn's cheeks and breaking the hug to serve them dinner as Roselyn just stood there, having huge gay panic, her mind trying to process all the skinship and the fact that she just got called sweetheart by her crush.

"O-okay." Roselyn mumbled, with rose tinted cheeks.

After a dinner filled with shy giggles, soft conversations and loud beating hearts, they went up to Aster's room and changed into fluffy pajamas.

As Roselyn sat on the edge of the bed, Aster picked up her guitar lying at the corner of her room and sat next to Roselyn who was looking at her confused.

Aster didn't know what made her do what she was about to, with her heart feeling like it was about to explode and adrenaline coursing through her veins, she whispered softly,

"I...I umm, want to sing something to you, little rose."

Roselyn's eyes sparkled at that and she smiled softly.

"Sure, Aster. I'd really love to hear your very... melodious voice."

She giggled as she got a 'heyy' from a pouting Aster.

She smiled and kissed her best friend's nose.

"You know I'm only jokingg, go on now, I'm very excited!"

Aster let out a shaky breath, she was very nervous, with shaky hands, she started strumming the guitar strings gently, looking at Roselyn with sickeningly sweet lovesick eyes.

('Little Things' by One Direction)

She starts singing softly, making Roselyn fall deeper. Aster's voice was just so so sweet and velvety and dreamy.

"I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly"

Aster smiled as she sang, whispering a soft "you're perfect" to a very overwhelmed Roselyn.

God she was just so grateful to have Aster in her life. She didn't even know if she deserved her but she was so thankful. Aster made her feel so loved, so special, so beautiful.

She made her love all her flaws and scars, she was so overwhelmed by the love in Aster's eyes and her voice, the lyrics and what meaning they held. It meant so much to her, she felt so very lucky, so alive at that moment.

With tear filled eyes, she stared at Aster, not knowing what to say or do.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you
Oh, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things"

Aster finished, gently strumming the last chords looking up at Roselyn.

Roselyn didn't know what to say, she felt euphoric, the feeling too overwhelming and dreamy and magical to describe, to be able to put into words. Love really is something which makes you speechless.

With tear-streaked cheeks, trembling frame, butterflies-filled tummy and a thumping heart, she buried her head into Aster's chest.

"I'm in love with you, my little rose."

Aster whispered into Roselyn's curls, kissing it softly. She patted her back, whispering soft nothing's in her ears until she calmed down.

Wiping her tears away, Roselyn looked at Aster shyly, fiddling with her fingers.

"I umm...I'm...I love you too."

Aster broke into the biggest smile ever engulfing Roselyn in a hug, feeling all jittery inside.

As they broke the hug, both looked at each other smiling and then blushing and then breaking into giggles for what seemed like forever.


"Yes Roselyn?"

"Can I umm, I mean, well...Can I kiss you?"

She said nervously looking down at her hands.

Aster's cheeks flushed as her heart sped up. This was it, the moment she had been dreaming about forever.

She gently held Roselyn's hands, caressing them gently. She leaned closer to Roselyn who was staring at her with big doe eyes and cherry colored cheeks.

With hearts beating louder and louder every minute, the minute feeling like an hour and the time feeling like it was frozen, she connected their lips, feeling sparks and warmth spread through her body.

Their lips fit like puzzle pieces, moving slowly, gently and carefully, as if the moment would slip right through their hands, turning out to be a dream.

It felt so right, so dreamy and nothing else mattered in that very moment. Butterflies-filled tummies, shy caresses, gentle kisses, soft smiles and full hearts.

It felt exactly like the way they describe it in sappy romance novels, all the butterflies, rainbows, glitter. Oh yea, fireworks too.

It was everything that they had hoped for, dreamed about and more. It felt so alive, so short yet so full of breath at the same time. It felt like home, comforting, warm and safe.

There's a reason we all crave for love so much, why we yearn for it, describe it in the form of movies, music, writing, art. It's because it's the closest thing we have to magic.

Maybe, just maybe, it is better to speak rather than to die after all, both Roselyn and Aster thought, smiling softly to themselves.

A/n: Thoughts, advices, opinions?
I'm very unsure about it cuz tbh i think it's kiinda bland and lengthy so I'll work on that?
Alsooo can u guess who's the top 👀

Anygayyy I hope anyone who read this liked itt, take care and stan Taylor Swift for clear skin lmao byee <3

-Violet 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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