Chapter 3: Used to be

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After a quick cup of tea and a no longer angry Watson, the silence had certainly filled the room and made it awkward.

Politeness being one with the former army doctor, he stood up and took the cups, "I'll go wash these." He said, placing them on the tray.

"Oh, I can dry if you like." You spoke, sending him a smile and getting to your feet from the comfortable chair.

Sherlock simply sat on the sofa, watching the pair be so normal and polite. Why did people always insist on helping others do something such as insignificant as wash up? He'd never really understand. Either way, he watched as they wandered off together, making small talk between themselves.

"So, eh, you and Sherlock went to school together huh?" John questioned quietly, scrubbing the cups clean in the soapy water.

Picking up an already clean cup from the drain, you patted it dry and clean with the tea towel as you smiled, "Yeah, he was my friend too." You replied, your voice getting reticent.

Nodding, Watson continued his cleaning, looking out the window in front of the sink and curiously asking, "What was he like? I mean, was he like he is now, an egoistic, self-centered bastard?" He laughed.

Giggling to yourself you looked away and nodded, "I can't say he was very popular or liked by many." You explained, putting the dry cup down and continuing to talk, "But he was sweet, gentle and smart." You murmured, trailing off in old memories...


"Now children, please raise your hands so you can choose your science partner for the project." Mr. Matthews spoke to his eleven year old class.

Almost everyone's hand raised, chit chatter breaking out with excitement as they so urgently wanted to be first to tell. All except Sherlock's hand was raised, and not that he minded, he didn't want to be with anyone on the science or any project for that matter.

"(Your Name)." Mr. Matthews said as he pointed towards you with a small smile.

Lowering your hand, you looked up at the man proudly as you choose, "Me and Sherlock." Your little sweet voice said.

The class practically fell silent with surprise; even the teacher was shocked by your choice, not to mention the boy himself.

After the bell had rung at school, finishing for the day, you walked alongside the boy, but this time, walking to his house to begin the project.

"I'm home!" Sherlock yelled as he closed the front door. Redbeard, his childhood friend ran out from the garden, through the patio doors and right for the boy, jumping up him and licking the boy's cheek excitedly.

You giggled, watching the sight before patting the dog, letting it sniff your hands.

"I'll be back in a minute." Sherlock nodded, walking through to the garden and greeting his mother, who was gardening and tending to her flowers and vegetables.

"I'm home." He repeated aside his mother who looked up and smiled at him, planting a kiss on his cheek.

The sight of a girl in a bright red coat caught her eye from the garden door and she looked over Sherlock's shoulder, "Oh isn't that (Your Name) from school?" she asked her son, watching his cheeks turn pinkish.

"We're doing a science project at school and she wanted to be my partner." He explained, looking down at the soil.

Patting the boys back, his mother smirked amusingly as she cut one of her roses and picking off the thorns before handing it to her child, "Go and give her this, she'll like it." She said, handing it over to Sherlock who took it and then ran back inside

Sighing and picking his bag up, Sherlock began to lead the way up to his bedroom, stopping at the top of the stairs and turning to you, "Uh, my mum said you'd like this." He gulped, watching you take it ever so gently from his hand.

"It's beautiful!" you spoke, feeling your cheeks heating as you pecked his cheek, "Thank you."


Frowning, John turned his head to look at you, "Sweet and gentle? Really, Sherlock? As in Sherlock Holmes?" he asked.

"Yeah," You laughed, "People change sometimes... and not for the better." You sighed, your voice sounding almost ashamed before returning to seem cheerful, "Anyway!"

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