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Dark Choco and Milk was talking Purple Yam saw them and decided to spy on them Then what he saw next made him soo mad he saw Milk kissing Dark Choco's cheek
"Thanks bro" milk said
"No problem bro"
"BITCH WHY THE FUCK HE KISSED YOU" Purple Yam said as he came closer
"Calm down I'm not even gay bro😭" milk said
"You don't have to be rude" milk said
"Calm down don't shout I just helped Milk cookie and thats all."
"Well bye yall Ima leave yall alone" Milk smiled
"So what now? We are all alone here now" Dark Choco asked
"Oh SO DO YOU WANT HIM THAT MUCH?!" Purple Yam said
"Don't be so jealous! Hes just my friend"
"Are you SURE?"
"Yes please now don't shout.."
"BECAUSE YOU LOVE HI-" he was cutted off by Dark Choco kisssing him
"No I don't''
"Fine I believe you.."
"I love you lil shortie"
"I am not a shortie!"
"Yea yea sure" he said as he picked him up
''Put me down!"
"Nah ı wont"
"But pleaseee"
"Finee" he said as he putted him down
"Mhm thanks" he kissed his cheeks just to make him blush hard and It worked
"You're blushing~~"
"Do you want me to pick you up again??"
"Mhm okay then dont tease me"
"Uh I'm not sure we'll see about that"
"Oh~~ so you're not sure about that Well how about NOW?"
He said as he picked him up again
"Put me down." he said with a serious tone
"Put me down."
"Its not that hard to put someone down is it?"
"Who said It was HARD?"
"Nobody so put me down"
''Did you think I'd put you down just because Its easy to put you down"
"No but does it matters?"
"Yes" Dark Choco tried to get out of grip himself but It just made Purple Yam hold him tighter
"No is no"
''Fine"he decided to stay on Purple Yam's arm
"Thats what I wanted to hear~"
"Okay does this means I can tease you all the way Because Im in your arms now~ and now you can't do anything about it"
"Oh~you think I can't do anything about it well you're so wrong"
"Whats the most worst thing you can do anyways?"
"I actually wanna do something with you"
"Anddd whats that?" he was kinda horny after Purple Yam said that
"I know Its never gonna happen so It ain't importnant"
"You can tell me everything"
"Nahh forget about it as I said It's not importnant"
"Okay I guess"
"This akward but can I kiss you?"
"Mhm sure" then Purple Yam putted Dark Choco down then kissed Dark Choco
"You're a good kisser~" Purple Yam said
"Am I?" Dark Choco said while blushing"
"Mhm thanks you are a uh a good kisser too.."
"This frickin off the topic but you're so cute~"
"Yes you are"
"Ugh fuck you"
"Sure I dont mind at all"
"You don't get it do you? What I mean is I'd like to get fucked by you"
"Uhm" he was so embrassed and didn't knew what to say
"I know I know you don't wanna do you"
"Fuck yeah I do and always wanted to" Then they got naked and fucked🤗 I don't really feel comfy to write them fuck now so ima rewrite it someday

Dark Choco x Purple Yam Stories Because Its My Favorite LolWhere stories live. Discover now