"Don't hide anything from me"

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"Why are you so kind even though I always disrespect you?" questioned Purple Yam
"Why mustn't I? I don't care what you do I just know I must be kind" those words melted Purple Yam's heart
"You're kindest person I've ever meet..yet I still disrespected you because of a duel that I lost..I know a apology doesn't fix anything but I am truly sorry" he said with a calm and a serious tone
"It's okay..Its okay" he hugged him tightly
"No..don't fucking lie to me its not okay"
"I promise I am not lying"
"How is that fine? I've always insulted you and shouted at you for no reason"
"Atleast you know what you did and apologized"
"Really? You really forgive me?"
"I..uhh can I confess you something"
"I...." he couldn't put words together "or whatever forget about it"
"Look..I know we are not even close to friends but..you can tell me anything"
"Please.. just forget about it"
Milk and Dark Choco was talking (yes I have to add Milk in the plot)
"Soo he wanted to confess something then changed his mind?? Oh man I sure know what he is up to."
"Oh so you know what's he is up to? Well then can you tell me?"
"Nope its a secret go figure it out by yourself"
"Go ask him not me"
"He will probably not tell me!"
"Then figure it out by yourself."
"I will do anything."
"You don't need to do anything at all because I am not telling you!"
"Fine whatever I will figure it out by myself"he got up and walked away"
"Good luck finding him!"
"Yeah yeah whatever" he walked for 25 minutes and finally found him.
"Hello Purple Yam cookie I have a question."
"Then ask it also hello"
"What did you wanted to tell me in the morning?"
"I thought I TOLD you to forget about it but whatever"
"Don't hide anything from me" he pinned him to a tree (Im sorry I have to add that🤗)
"LET ME GO" he blushed
"Not until you tell me"
"I WONT tell you so STOP trying"
"Well then I will not leave you until you tell me! I need to know."
"Its not even IMPORTNANT thats why I told you to forget about it"
"I'm sure thats importnant"
"I told you already I WILL not tell you."
"Just tell me its not the end of the world!"
"Its easy for you to tell that but if you were me you'd do the same too"
"I swear if you tell me I won't tell anyone."
"Please tell me I will do anything to get you to tell me what you're hiding from me."
"Why do you wonder it so much?"
"Can't I be curious?"
"Just give up I won't tell you"
"Ughh fine if thats how you will leave alone"
"Soo uhm..I never saw you as a rival..and I-I LOVE YOU OKAY?!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah I am are you gonna make fun of me?"
"No infact I love you too"
"Yeah" then they kissed 😊

Also this bitch watered his bf😭😭

Dark Choco x Purple Yam Stories Because Its My Favorite LolWhere stories live. Discover now