ch. 1: The Web of Ideas

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"I still don't know where you got the whiteboard," the platinum blonde commented. It was received with a group groan from the 'Four Player Duo' as they call themself.

It is rather stupid, but it adds character.

"Leilani, if you ask him where you got the fucking whiteboard again, I'm going to hurt you," a tall, thin and redheaded boy responded. That was Emmett, their best friend.

Leilani quickly scoffed and leaned back on the torn beanbag chair, "Maybe when he fucking answers me I'll stop..."

Braylyn, a fairly tall bluenette, finally decided to speak up, "Can we ignore the fact he has a white board? There is a web of things on that whiteboard that I want to know."

Emmet leaned back in his chair, his eyebrows knitted as his attention turned towards their other friend. Linus, a plus sized boy with dyed black hair. Although the hair dye has since faded and it appeared more dull-grey.

"Thank you, Ray. Now! Back to me! This whiteboard-" he started off, before quickly throwing on: "Which I got from our neighbours."

"Thank you!" Leilani threw up her arms dramatically before they fell back at her sides.

"I will make a list! Of things we need to do as roommates!" Linus announcement loud and proud.

The three looked at each other then back up at the boy, with rather puzzled expressions. It was... an interesting idea to say the least. The idea was fine on paper, but logically it will be used by Emmett and Leilani drawings crude dick's. Despite being fresh out of school, they had the same humour as a child. It was disturbing at times, in all honesty.

With the following silence, Linus described to break it. Well, his marker. The squeaks of the half-gone whiteboard marker quickly hit off of the board. Before he turned to reveal the product.

'CiRcus Baby's Pizza WoRld.'

"Why do you always write your R's as capital letters?" Emmett questioned, which made the grey haired boy groan. He quickly retorted, "Because it's how I was taught how!"

"Now! Circus Baby's Pizza World is a new chain restaurant from Afton Robotics, my cousin's kept telling me all about how cool it was. We have to check it out."

Braylyn scrunched her nose slightly, "You want to go to a child's restaurant? Those places are unsanitary."

"Bray's right, those places are fucking rancid. Once I saw a kid licking ranch off of his moms shirt," the blonde added.

"I would to, I love ranch."

"Emmet, that is actually the most horrid thing I have ever heard from you."

The three looked at Leilani with a puzzled expression. Surely they had heard worse than that, considering Emmet being ... well, Emmet. Love him or love him (he is physically impossible to hate), he does some questionable things. He went to therapy once, it lasted until the therapist quit her job.

Emmet spoke up quickly after the judgement stares that burnt six beady holes in Leilani's head, "We SHOULD go to the place! We used to go to the older one when we were kids. Fredbears! The bear and the wolf were so cool!"

Linus scoffed, "It was a rabbit you ninny."

"No, it was a wolf. It had the wolf like teeth and everything!"

"I think you're looking at the wrong wolves."

Braylyn looked over at her phone, seeing her lock screen of a shadowed ballet dancer on a blue and purple lit stage with yellow stars. It was very bad, since Leilani had drawn it on some shitty program on her phone, but it always made Braylyn feel better. Enough dwelling on a phone lockscreen...

She surfed through the web for a spell, researching about 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'. It had such a nostalgic feeling that she couldn't explain. She wondered if this was the back rooms but for kids. Back rooms Lite. The bluenette giggled at the thought. "I think we should go, I mean, what harm can it do?"

Besides the fact there will be screaming children, it did seem rather interesting.

Guess the Four Player Duo is going to venture out to Circus Baby's Pizza World.
first short chapter, it's more like a prologue but whatever

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